This technical paper guides developers through the detailed process of integrating #RedStone Oracles into a decentralized application.

This document will cover the setup, integration, and testing phases, ensuring developers can harness these capabilities within their DApps.

1. Introduction

RedStone Oracles offer a decentralized solution for accessing real-time data within blockchain applications. They utilize a network of data providers and the Arweave blockchain for data storage, ensuring both integrity and permanence. This guide will detail the steps necessary to integrate these oracles, from initial installation to advanced customization and testing.

Source : RedStone Oracles

2. Setup Requirements

Before starting the integration process, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Node.js and npm installed on your development machine.

  • A basic understanding of Solidity and smart contracts.

  • Familiarity with JavaScript and #Ethereum development tools like Hardhat or Foundry.

3. Installation

  • Node Package Installation:

    npm install @redstone-finance/evm-connector

  • Foundry Setup:
    Foundry users need to install dependencies through git submodules:

    forge install redstone-finance/redstone-oracles-monorepo
    forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v4.9.5

  • Updating Remappings in Foundry:
    Add paths to the remappings.txt:

    echo "@redstone-finance/evm-connector/dist/contracts/=lib/redstone-oracles-monorepo/packages/evm-connector/contracts/
    @openzeppelin/contracts=lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/" >> remappings.txt

4. Smart Contract Integration

Source: RedStone Oracles
  • Inherit from Base Contracts:
    Your contract should extend from one of RedStone's base contracts to utilize oracle data:

    import "@redstone-finance/evm-connector/contracts/data-services/MainDemoConsumerBase.sol";

    contract YourContractName extends MainDemoConsumerBase {
    // Additional contract code here

  • Fetching Data:
    Implement functions to fetch and handle oracle data within your contract:

    function fetchOracleData(bytes32 dataIdentifier) public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 dataValue = getOracleNumericValueFromTxMsg(dataIdentifier);
    return dataValue;

5. Front-End Integration

  • Setting Up the Ethers.js Wrapper:
    Integrate the RedStone EVM connector with ethers.js to interact with the smart contract:

    const { WrapperBuilder } = require("@redstone-finance/evm-connector");
    const ethers = require("ethers");

    let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider();
    let contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, provider);

    let wrappedContract = WrapperBuilder.wrap(contract).usingDataService({
    dataFeeds: ["ETH", "BTC"]

Source: RedStone Oracles
  • Interacting with Contracts:
    Use the wrapped contract to call functions as you would normally:

    async function callContractFunction() {
    let result = await wrappedContract.fetchOracleData("ETH");
    console.log(`Oracle Data: ${result}`);

6. Testing and Deployment

  • Hardhat Testing:
    Use Hardhat to simulate interactions and test the contract's response to oracle data:

    const { expect } = require("chai");

    describe("Oracle Integration Tests", function () {
    it("should fetch oracle data correctly", async function () {
    const data = await wrappedContract.fetchOracleData("ETH");

  • Deployment:
    Deploy your contracts to a live network after thorough testing:

    truffle migrate --network mainnet

7. Conclusion

Integrating RedStone Oracles into your DApp significantly enhances its capability to interact with real-time data efficiently and securely. By following this step-by-step guide, developers can ensure a robust integration, leveraging RedStone's advanced blockchain-based oracle solutions for kickstarting decentralized applications.