The election market is quietly approaching, and time is the only obstacle to another rise! Fallen petals are not ruthless, they turn into spring mud to protect flowers.

1. Following the high-profile creation of the "crypto army" by the Trump campaign team, two weeks ago, President Biden's re-election campaign team has begun to contact key figures in the cryptocurrency industry to seek guidance on the "future development of the cryptocurrency community and cryptocurrency policy", marking a major "change" in Biden's previously distant relationship with the crypto industry.

2. On-chain data: average cost of short-term holders of Bitcoin

(1) The average cost price of short-term holders' main chips (orange line) rose to US$62,000.

Historical experience shows that this average cost price is the key support level for short-term adjustments.

(2) The short-term holder cost line shows a clear upward trend, indicating a continued bullish trend in the medium and long term.

3. The election market of this round of bull market has quietly arrived, and the callback entry of $BTC and $ETH may be the last opportunity to get on board.

BTC entry range: 65600~66500

ETH entry range: 3500~3650

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