Shocking! WIF takes off strongly! Can BOME and SOL follow closely?

WIF takes off again, breaking through 4 US dollars again today, and BOME is also moving slowly. Does this mean that the bull market is really coming? What other sectors are worth our early layout? Among them, the RWA ecosystem is indispensable!


Come and learn more about the Manta Network project: the first Layer 2Manta CeDeFi product that provides native real-world asset (RWA) income.

💥Innovative financial solutions are launched

Manta Network, as the first pioneer project to introduce RWA income to Layer 2, recently launched an impressive CeDeFi product. Users can deposit assets such as wBTC/BTCB, wETH/STONE, USDT/USDC/wUSDM into the CeDeFi platform through the three chains of Ethereum, BNB chain and Manta Pacific. This is not only a new starting point for Manta RWA products, but will also become the issuance platform and key interface for many RWA assets in the future, bringing real benefits to users.

💥Efficient asset management, showing advantages

The CeDeFi platform uses the custody service provider Ceffu to map users' assets to the exchange, and asset management institutions execute advanced strategies such as rate arbitrage to generate currency-based income. These strategies, which were originally only for VIP customers of the exchange, are now brought to the chain through Manta Network, allowing ordinary users to enjoy high-end financial services.

💥The advantages of the CeDeFi platform are highlighted

- Multi-chain support: covering Ethereum, BNB chain and Manta Pacific, which facilitates users to manage assets and obtain income on different blockchains.

💥Real currency-based income, unique

Through advanced rate arbitrage strategies, users can not only increase the number of tokens in their hands, but also get doubled income when the token price rises. This unique dual income mechanism makes Manta CeDeFi products one of the few excellent choices in the market that can provide real currency-based income, opening up unique investment opportunities for users.

💥RWA's market potential opens up a trillion-dollar market

By introducing RWA, Manta Network has realized the capitalization of assets, greatly improving the circulation efficiency and capital utilization rate of assets. This innovative model has caused the value of assets to soar, further strengthening the market competitiveness of Manta Network.

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