Deadline for reporting witches: May 30, Beijing time, which is 8:00 am tomorrow morning

Battle situation: There is only one day left for witch reporting. There are 2892 reports so far. Fat Penguin has received a deposit of 5.6 million US dollars. The wild dogs have almost submitted their full preparations. There should be few new reports. I hope everyone can pass smoothly.

Suggestion: Check according to my method today and tomorrow. If you are caught, change your number immediately.

Consequences: After entering the Sybil library, future big projects will definitely adopt it. I estimate that Linea, Zksync, Monad and other big public chains will definitely adopt it. The money and time invested in the early stage will be regarded as sunk costs.


🔹Query method

Go to the reporting website

Enter your wallet address and press Enter to query

🔹Query results

If you checked many wallets and none of them showed any, then congratulations, no one has reported you.

If you suspect that there is something wrong with the query, I will provide a reported address for you to test.


If you are not in the early 800,000 witch table, then you are likely to get the airdrop


I wish everyone can get rich and live up to their hard work for more than a year.

Please make sure to give back to your family when you make money. You are no longer the poor boy you were last year. Remember to take your family out for a trip, save a large sum of money for your wife, and let your family share your joy.

We still have a long way to go in the airdrop industry. This is a career you can strive for your whole life.

You are lucky enough to be at the forefront of the times and have surpassed 99% of your peers.

Work hard, young man, and live up to your youth

Others are in the king position, you are in the plus position

The harder, the more fortunate

In the end it will definitely

By the witch
