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Unexpected bad news! 140,000 bitcoins were transferred in 6 hours. Will the compensation of Mentougou cause a huge pit? Just yesterday, a large amount of transfer records suddenly appeared in the account of Mt.Gox, a bankrupt exchange for 10 years, and more than 140,000 bitcoins were transferred in the next 6 hours, with a total value of nearly 10 billion. This wave of transfers means that the Mentougou theft incident spanning 10 years is about to draw a conclusion, and the compensation has also reached the last step. The market has also responded, from 70,000 US dollars to 67,000, a drop of more than 3%. For the next 140,000 bitcoins, many people are worried that this will bring a new round of selling pressure and cause a huge pit. Will it really be like this? First of all, the conclusion: there will be some impact, but it should not be too big. There are three reasons: 1) In the compensation plan provided by Mentougou to creditors, the compensation amount includes basic compensation and proportional compensation. The basic compensation plan has been announced, but the specific situation of proportional compensation has not been announced by Mentougou, which means that creditors will not receive all the compensation assets at one time. 2) In fact, most bondholders have already sold their debts to the fund, so the selling pressure has been hedged. Those who have not sold and have held until the end will definitely not choose to sell at this time. 3) Today is different from the past. Institutions have gradually become the main force in the current crypto circle, especially after the Bitcoin spot ETF is passed, the impact of 140,000 Bitcoins on the market will gradually decrease. In summary, I think if Mentougou pays compensation, the market will definitely react, and the panic will even continue for a while, but it will not form the so-called [crypto earthquake]. The selling pressure is not as great as imagined, and it may be a good opportunity to buy at the bottom. #MtGox钱包动态 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC

Unexpected bad news! 140,000 bitcoins were transferred in 6 hours. Will the compensation of Mentougou cause a huge pit?

Just yesterday, a large amount of transfer records suddenly appeared in the account of Mt.Gox, a bankrupt exchange for 10 years, and more than 140,000 bitcoins were transferred in the next 6 hours, with a total value of nearly 10 billion.

This wave of transfers means that the Mentougou theft incident spanning 10 years is about to draw a conclusion, and the compensation has also reached the last step. The market has also responded, from 70,000 US dollars to 67,000, a drop of more than 3%.

For the next 140,000 bitcoins, many people are worried that this will bring a new round of selling pressure and cause a huge pit. Will it really be like this?

First of all, the conclusion: there will be some impact, but it should not be too big. There are three reasons:

1) In the compensation plan provided by Mentougou to creditors, the compensation amount includes basic compensation and proportional compensation. The basic compensation plan has been announced, but the specific situation of proportional compensation has not been announced by Mentougou, which means that creditors will not receive all the compensation assets at one time.

2) In fact, most bondholders have already sold their debts to the fund, so the selling pressure has been hedged. Those who have not sold and have held until the end will definitely not choose to sell at this time.

3) Today is different from the past. Institutions have gradually become the main force in the current crypto circle, especially after the Bitcoin spot ETF is passed, the impact of 140,000 Bitcoins on the market will gradually decrease.

In summary, I think if Mentougou pays compensation, the market will definitely react, and the panic will even continue for a while, but it will not form the so-called [crypto earthquake]. The selling pressure is not as great as imagined, and it may be a good opportunity to buy at the bottom.

#MtGox钱包动态 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC

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毫不夸张的说,投资Meme币是你成为百万富翁的唯一方法!你需要做的仅仅是选对并拿住它们! 今天,我将分享在这一轮牛市中,有可能翻5倍的Meme项目 1)$MOTHER 目标市值:8亿美金 当前价格:$0.203 当前市值:2亿美金 2)$michi 目标市值:5亿美金 当前价格:$0.275 当前市值:1.54亿美金 3)$boden 目标市值:5.5亿美金 当前价格:$0.256 当前市值:1.771亿美金 4)$tremp 目标市值:5亿美金 当前价格:$1.32 当前市值:1.326亿美金 5)$TRUMP 目标市值:10亿美金 当前价格:$12.3 当前市值:5.713亿美金 6)$PEIPEI 目标市值:3亿美金 当前价格:$0.0(6)1603 当前市值:6740万美金 7)$BOBO 目标市值:6亿美金 当前价格:$0.0(5)193 当前市值:1.285亿美金 8)$APU 目标市值:5亿美金 当前价格:$0.0005120 当前市值:1.73亿美金 9)$GME 目标市值:4亿美金 当前价格:$0.013 当前市值:8940万美金 10)$nub 目标市值:3.5亿美金 当前价格:$0.06253 当前市值:6180万美金 投资Meme币是一个高赔率的事件,千万不要梭哈,all in某一个币,因为它们随时都有可能归零。我们要做的就是做好分散投资,大仓位一定是主流币,拿出一小部分仓位尝试Meme币。 怎么选?是否是当下热点话题?是否与名人或者大的KOL相关?社交媒体或者社区活跃度是否好?这些都需要关注和思考。 好了,原创不易,点个关注,我会第一时间分享币圈资讯和观点,投资路上不迷路,一起用认知超越其他人! #meme板块关注热点 $PEPE $MEME $WIF
币圈又崩了!比特币跳水4800美元,山寨币大回撤,下周重磅数据公布,或将影响币价走势! 从6月7日美国公布“非农”数据之后,加密货币、黄金等投资品就遭遇了“跳水”行情,比特币从7.19万美金下跌至6.7万美元附近,下跌幅度高达4800美元。 而合约爆仓数据更加惨烈,过去24小时内,15万人爆仓,爆仓金额为4.18亿美元(约合人民币30.23亿元),其中大多数是多单爆仓! 究其原因,主要还是因为非农数据超预期,美国通胀似乎很难回到美联储锚定的2%目标,也让市场对美联储降息的预期迅速下降。 除了比特币,山寨币更是血流成河,尤其是前段时间的一些热点事件Meme币,比如$GME,$KITTY,$tremp等,普遍回调超过10%。现在正处于降息周期的前夜,突发的黑天鹅事件都会让山寨币大幅缩水。 下周三,美国还有重磅的CPI数据公布,这势必也会影响比特币的走势,这个时候,如果你是持有的主流币,我认为不用慌,安心拿住,如果持有的更多的山寨币,下周三之前如果有反弹可以减仓一部分,CPI数据公布偏利好的话,可以再接回来。 比特币自诞生以来,价格一直起伏不定,暴涨暴跌几乎是常态,所以持币心态很重要,不高估短期的利空,不低估长期的价值。 毕竟,市场的风险来源于多重方面,有政策性的,有地域冲突的,也有行业暴雷的,我们无法预测币价走势,我们能做的就是坚定持有! 好了,原创不易,点个关注是对我最大的支持!我们一起用认知超越其他人! #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH
昨夜突发利空!非农数据爆表,美联储9月降息成泡影?比特币再坐“过山车”下跌2.42%,到底发生了什么? 就在昨晚,美国劳工部公布了5月非农就业数据,就业岗位新增了27.2万个,远超预期的18.5万个,这个数据说明了美国就业市场依然强劲,导致预期9月降息的可能性再次下降! 数据一出,比特币和美股科技股纷纷下跌,比特币一天从7.2万跌到最低6.83万,究竟是为什么? 前几天加拿大央行,欧洲部分国家已经提前降息了,美联储什么时候能接过降息的“接力棒”成为全世界的焦点,但5月这个关键反映通胀的数据让人不禁担忧啊,甚至有消息人士称在11月大选前,美联储都会维持基准利率不变。 “降息”为什么对加密货币这么重要,可能很多人不明白。 “降息”降的是是企业和个人的借款成本,提高了货币的流通性,从而会推高资产的价格,对于比特币等风险资产来说,这种货币政策的转变非常重要,因为它意味着投资者可能将资金从低收益的传统资产中撤出,转而投向加密货币等高风险、高回报的新兴资产类别,以追求更高的资本增值。 另外,低利率,会导致美元贬值,从而提升了以美元计价资产的吸引力,进一步推高了比特币的需求。历史上,这样的剧本重复上演过很多次,几乎无一例外。 对于现在的情况,我们该怎么办呢? 首先,要明确一点,经济数据是一方面,美联储鲍威尔的发言也很重要,按照美联储的“尿性”,通常是给个“耳光”之后,会再给颗糖,因此我预计鲍威尔或者其他官员不久后就会放出“鸽派”言论,到时候市场也许又是另一番景象。 其次,对于仓位控制上,不建议现阶段就上大仓位,超过70%的那种。还有地缘冲突,门头沟事件等不确定因素,这些都可能对比特币的表现产生影响。 $BTC #非农就业人数高于预期
今夜不平静!美国5月“小非农”数据低于预期,今年将降息两次?币安币突破历史新高,“山寨季”要来了吗? 可能就在今晚,美国公布了“小非农”数据,低于华尔街的预期,5月ADP新增就在15.2万人,创下了三个月新低,劳动力市场进一步降温,增加了美国经济增长缓慢的迹象,从来也为下半年的降息带来了更高的可能。 更有经济学家预测,美联储下周可能会维持利率不变,同时从9月开始将降息两次!因为越来越多的数据表明经济正在降温,加拿大,欧洲央行今天也开始了降息,一旦美国开始降息,风险资产首先会受益,从美股的表现也能够看出,以英伟达为首的科技股不断强势,突破前高。而比特币也同样会受益,在未来两三个月可能就会站上10万美元整数关口! 除了比特币,这几天表现非常好的还有币安的平台币,两天上涨100美元,触及710美元,创新历史新高,市值突破1000亿美金,超越星巴克和美团! 其他山寨币也在大涨,比特币生态的$CKB 25%+,BSC链的$CAKE 19%+等等,那么,山寨季真的来了吗? 我个人认为现在判断还为时过早,按照以往的牛市行情,比特币涨完,接着以太坊涨,之后才会轮动到各个板块的山寨币。目前这个阶段,美联储还没降息,更多的资金还没有涌入币圈,以太坊的现货ETF也还没有审批通过,大涨显然没有到来,所以,现在的山寨币上涨,更多的是短期,事件刺激性的,不足以构成一大段持续行情。 当下的行情,属于震荡向上的格局,需要的就是保持耐心,不骄不躁。这个时候最容易看到有人分享合约赚了多少倍,资金体量到了几位数,不排除会有真的,但不要忘了幸存者偏差。我们要做的是稳稳的变富,赚的能睡得着觉的收益! 好了,写文章也一个多月了,原创不易,点个关注和赞是对我最大的支持! #bnb历史新高
在加密世界中,不是只有交易或者“钻石手”才能够赚到钱,赚取被动收入的方法有很多,今天我将盘点5种从0美金转到10万美金的被动方法,记得点赞收藏! 1、加密游戏 边玩边赚(P2E)的游戏会给你钱让你玩,游戏方会用代币、NFT或者游戏内的奖品来奖励玩家。 比如下面几个知名的游戏: 【Cryptokitties】,通过搜集和繁殖数字猫咪; 【AxieInfinity】,收集、训练和PK宠物NFT; 【GodsUnchained】:交易的卡牌游戏; 【Tamadogecoin】:饲养和训练狗; 2、空投 很多大的项目都会发空投,来鼓励前期参与者进行交互和互动,这是去年到现在最简单致富的方法之一,有的项目不需要花钱做交互,有的仅仅需要花费少量的钱。 如果一个项目可能会给你1万美金的空投奖励,你前期花个100美元算什么呢?这里推荐2个找到空投机会的网站: * * 3、流动性挖矿 流动性挖矿是通过提供某一种代币来为流动池提供流动性,从而获取到收益。 如果你是新手,我建议从大的、知名的项目开始做起,一般而言数量越多就越安全。 平台有: *AAVE *Uniswap *CurveFinance 4、质押 质押的收益一般年化在3%~6%之间,有时候会更高。 在哪里可以质押呢? * 你可以比较不同的APY项目。 5、加密货币定期 如果你想赚取$BTC 的被动收入,加密货币的定期非常适合你。 4个帮你开始的网站: nexo; YouHodler; cryptocom; coinbase; 好了,今天先介绍5种被动收入的方法,其实还有其他,比如挖矿、借贷等等,如果这几个分享对你有帮助,记得帮我点个关注和赞,万分感谢! #Airdrop‬ #GAMEFI: #第55期新币挖矿IO $BTC $ETH

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