The chart comes from a sister who has been engaged in data analysis for many years | blockchain projects / Defi model research | and Lao Ai respects her very much @TVBee

Sister Bee’s summary of the AI ​​track, Lao Ai will add a little tail to supplement the point information:

I am serious about copying homework. I chose GPT first. There is no special reason. The market value is low.

FET: 1.8 [Short-term support, break below to make 1:1 expectations, etc.] 1 0.7 0.5, etc.

AGIX: 0.65 0.4

GPT: 0.3 [Just entered this month] 0.15

AI: This Binance Square has it, you can search it

NFP: 0.35 0.2

RNDR: 6.8 4.6 2 [full]
