Now the prices of meme are basically too high. The prices of pepe, people, bonk, and floki are all too high. So what should we pay attention to next? Brother Tui thinks that many people missed out on this market, and those institutions also missed out. So the next opportunity is the tokens of wif and bome, the two meme sectors.

First of all, this rise basically rose quietly in the early morning. Basically, many people in the market did not pay attention to it. In addition, these two tokens did not start to rise. So many people will pay attention to the two tokens. Next, Brother Tui predicts that the prices and trading volumes of these two tokens will rise wildly.

And there is also the l2 sector. Why is there l2? Because eth's ETF has passed, but the funds have not entered the market. Last time in the early morning, eth directly pulled 600 points. Many people were waiting for the ETF to pass before entering the market, which led to many people missing out. So, after eth funds come in, the price of tokens in the l2 sector will rise! #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准