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现货和合约并肩的全能选手,六年老司机精通各种短线长线超长线!曾经用三千u玩到三十万u! 围脖:全能高手腿哥i
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Bonk is taking off. Now you know how easy it is to make money. Sometimes making money is as easy as breathing. Brother Tui has said long ago that as long as Brother Tui takes action, he will directly take a wave. Besides, Brother Tui will not ask you for a cent even if he helps you make money. If you want to thank Ah Tui, come back and support Brother Tui's VIP a little bit, let us keep going together! #BONKUSDT
Bonk is taking off. Now you know how easy it is to make money. Sometimes making money is as easy as breathing.

Brother Tui has said long ago that as long as Brother Tui takes action, he will directly take a wave. Besides, Brother Tui will not ask you for a cent even if he helps you make money.

If you want to thank Ah Tui, come back and support Brother Tui's VIP a little bit, let us keep going together! #BONKUSDT
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People still started it up, my friends! Have you all gotten on board? Get ready for the leg god to start pulling the market! #people
People still started it up, my friends! Have you all gotten on board? Get ready for the leg god to start pulling the market! #people
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Here is a spot code: rss3. The current price is 0.01955. This position can be said to be at the bottom. In addition, the four-hour macd is also in a low golden cross state. This position is very suitable for bottom fishing. The last round of explosion directly increased by three times. There were also signs of bottom accumulation some time ago! The target is expected to be more than 50%! #rss3
Here is a spot code: rss3. The current price is 0.01955. This position can be said to be at the bottom. In addition, the four-hour macd is also in a low golden cross state. This position is very suitable for bottom fishing. The last round of explosion directly increased by three times. There were also signs of bottom accumulation some time ago! The target is expected to be more than 50%!
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There are not many people like you in society. Have you ever seen a blogger as real and stable as you? Others are just analyzing codes, and they don’t have real money and don’t have much U. To be honest, I have been talked about before, but I don’t want to explain so much. So when I made my real money public, I broke the doubt. #比特币大会
There are not many people like you in society. Have you ever seen a blogger as real and stable as you? Others are just analyzing codes, and they don’t have real money and don’t have much U. To be honest, I have been talked about before, but I don’t want to explain so much. So when I made my real money public, I broke the doubt. #比特币大会
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Let me talk about people. peolpe made a layout for my friends yesterday. Now it can be said that I made a small profit. According to my analysis, this position has been fluctuating, but this trend is still very healthy. How should I put it? Once this position is over, it will accelerate and take off. So we have to arrange it in advance at a low point. According to my analysis, people will also start a wave of explosion recently. Once it explodes, it will start to rise sharply. So bring a stop loss and let us welcome the increase of people together. #people
Let me talk about people. peolpe made a layout for my friends yesterday. Now it can be said that I made a small profit. According to my analysis, this position has been fluctuating, but this trend is still very healthy. How should I put it? Once this position is over, it will accelerate and take off.

So we have to arrange it in advance at a low point. According to my analysis, people will also start a wave of explosion recently. Once it explodes, it will start to rise sharply. So bring a stop loss and let us welcome the increase of people together. #people
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Here is the contract code: bonk. The current price is 0.000028888-0.000028. Enter the long order in batches. At the hourly level, it looks like it will start to increase in volume and accelerate its takeoff. This position can be rushed. Once the volume starts to increase, we will see a 30cm big positive line. Stop loss 0.000026. #BONKUSDT
Here is the contract code: bonk. The current price is 0.000028888-0.000028. Enter the long order in batches. At the hourly level, it looks like it will start to increase in volume and accelerate its takeoff.

This position can be rushed. Once the volume starts to increase, we will see a 30cm big positive line. Stop loss 0.000026. #BONKUSDT
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Here is the contract code: entered the long order in batches at 0.0799-0.076. From the four-hour MACD, we can see that it is now in a golden cross state, but the price has not started to rise, so this position has been fluctuating upward. has also analyzed this many times, and each time he can lead the irons to grasp it perfectly, so now once this oscillation is perfect, it will start a wave of accelerated rise. The irons who are on the train should set the stop loss to 0.072#people
Here is the contract code: entered the long order in batches at 0.0799-0.076. From the four-hour MACD, we can see that it is now in a golden cross state, but the price has not started to rise, so this position has been fluctuating upward. has also analyzed this many times, and each time he can lead the irons to grasp it perfectly, so now once this oscillation is perfect, it will start a wave of accelerated rise. The irons who are on the train should set the stop loss to 0.072#people
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I told my friends last night that I am bullish on this position. When the market was confused, I was the first to stand up and show my friends the way. After my analysis yesterday, it also rebounded a lot today. BTC is also going very hard now. If it weren't for ETH, it would have directly rushed to 70,000. I don't need to say more about this strength. It directly made everyone shout that it is bullish. #BTC☀
I told my friends last night that I am bullish on this position. When the market was confused, I was the first to stand up and show my friends the way. After my analysis yesterday, it also rebounded a lot today.

BTC is also going very hard now. If it weren't for ETH, it would have directly rushed to 70,000. I don't need to say more about this strength. It directly made everyone shout that it is bullish. #BTC☀
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Here is a spot code for you guys: Cyber ​​starts to build a position at 4.25. From the four-hour perspective, this position has already started to pull back and the four-hour MACD is already in a low golden cross state, which is also a bottom. So you can enter the market to buy the bottom now. Brother Tui predicts that it will rise slowly in the future. Once the volume starts to increase, it will start a wave of accelerated accumulation of power, or you can see a 30cm big positive line. Many of you know that the spot analyzed by Brother Tui basically starts to make a lot of money as soon as you get on the bus, so don't say too much nonsense and get on the bus directly, because Brother Tui's products must be high-quality! #cyber
Here is a spot code for you guys: Cyber ​​starts to build a position at 4.25. From the four-hour perspective, this position has already started to pull back and the four-hour MACD is already in a low golden cross state, which is also a bottom.

So you can enter the market to buy the bottom now. Brother Tui predicts that it will rise slowly in the future. Once the volume starts to increase, it will start a wave of accelerated accumulation of power, or you can see a 30cm big positive line. Many of you know that the spot analyzed by Brother Tui basically starts to make a lot of money as soon as you get on the bus, so don't say too much nonsense and get on the bus directly, because Brother Tui's products must be high-quality! #cyber
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Here is a contract code high plan to enter the long position at 1.58. We can see that the hourly level is already in a low golden cross state, but there is no large volume and accelerated rise. This position has also been hit down, indicating that there is a certain selling pressure at this position, so the market will go through a small level of callback. Use the callback to digest the upper selling pressure. Once this position is digested, a wave of large volume and accelerated rise will start. Moreover, this position has reached the pressure position of the ma60 moving average, so there will be a callback and then another wave of accumulation. Stop loss 1.46! #high
Here is a contract code high plan to enter the long position at 1.58. We can see that the hourly level is already in a low golden cross state, but there is no large volume and accelerated rise. This position has also been hit down, indicating that there is a certain selling pressure at this position, so the market will go through a small level of callback.

Use the callback to digest the upper selling pressure. Once this position is digested, a wave of large volume and accelerated rise will start. Moreover, this position has reached the pressure position of the ma60 moving average, so there will be a callback and then another wave of accumulation. Stop loss 1.46! #high
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I would like to add some bullish logic of turbo to my friends. The turbo token belongs to the meme coin sector. We can see that the hourly level is now in the MACD low golden cross and the price has been going up. Brother Tui also arranged a wave yesterday and currently has a profit of 6%. We all know that the code of the meme sector will take off first as long as the market rebounds. The performance of other coins in this wave is not obvious. Brother Tui chose turbo. Our next plan is to take profits in batches and then put the stop loss at the boarding price. The rest is waiting for Brother Tui's notification. #turbo
I would like to add some bullish logic of turbo to my friends. The turbo token belongs to the meme coin sector. We can see that the hourly level is now in the MACD low golden cross and the price has been going up. Brother Tui also arranged a wave yesterday and currently has a profit of 6%.

We all know that the code of the meme sector will take off first as long as the market rebounds. The performance of other coins in this wave is not obvious. Brother Tui chose turbo. Our next plan is to take profits in batches and then put the stop loss at the boarding price. The rest is waiting for Brother Tui's notification. #turbo
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Ena is the code that I have laid out in batches for my friends at 0.42-0.41. Basically, I have received the two points. I have made a profit of three points so far. I will add my bullish logic for Ena. Ena's four-hour MACD is now in a state of golden cross at a low level, but it has not started to rise in volume. Yesterday, I also mentioned that it would fluctuate to digest the selling pressure. The current trend is like this, a slow-rising market, but this state is also a healthy trend. Now we are using the upward fluctuation to digest the selling pressure above. Once this position is digested and strengthened, a wave of accelerated rise will be opened. It is also very likely to see a 30cm big positive line, which will directly point to the list of gains. Some people have said before that I don't get on the bus for the orders I sent myself. Then these people are new fans at a glance. You can directly look at the orders that I sent before. Basically, they have positions. Now I don't need to bother with these people. I will directly disclose my real orders and let these people shut up. #ena
Ena is the code that I have laid out in batches for my friends at 0.42-0.41. Basically, I have received the two points. I have made a profit of three points so far. I will add my bullish logic for Ena.

Ena's four-hour MACD is now in a state of golden cross at a low level, but it has not started to rise in volume. Yesterday, I also mentioned that it would fluctuate to digest the selling pressure. The current trend is like this, a slow-rising market, but this state is also a healthy trend.

Now we are using the upward fluctuation to digest the selling pressure above. Once this position is digested and strengthened, a wave of accelerated rise will be opened. It is also very likely to see a 30cm big positive line, which will directly point to the list of gains. Some people have said before that I don't get on the bus for the orders I sent myself. Then these people are new fans at a glance. You can directly look at the orders that I sent before. Basically, they have positions. Now I don't need to bother with these people. I will directly disclose my real orders and let these people shut up. #ena
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I finally started making money! I lost money even when I was lying down yesterday. Go, go, go! Brother Tui has said that the market will start to rebound soon! Follow Ah Tui Hun and eat three meals a day. Follow Brother Tui and you won’t get lost! #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
I finally started making money! I lost money even when I was lying down yesterday. Go, go, go! Brother Tui has said that the market will start to rebound soon!

Follow Ah Tui Hun and eat three meals a day. Follow Brother Tui and you won’t get lost! #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Good morning, my friends, have you woken up yet? I'll check who's here. I'll review the market and trends for you guys later! I'm currently holding long positions in turbo and ena! And pepe is also making money! I'll analyze it for you guys later! Deduct 1! #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
Good morning, my friends, have you woken up yet? I'll check who's here. I'll review the market and trends for you guys later!

I'm currently holding long positions in turbo and ena! And pepe is also making money! I'll analyze it for you guys later! Deduct 1! #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易
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Here is the contract code: ena has stopped falling at a small level. ena was the token that rose the most yesterday. Today, it was dragged down by the market. Now this position has been fluctuating, which means that the selling pressure at this position is almost digested. Moreover, the hourly MACD short gate has no energy. Brother Tui analyzed that it is expected that a wave of acceleration will start after a fluctuation, so you can enter long orders at this position. The current price of ena is 0.428-0.415, and enter long orders in batches, and the stop loss is set to 0.039#ena
Here is the contract code: ena has stopped falling at a small level. ena was the token that rose the most yesterday. Today, it was dragged down by the market. Now this position has been fluctuating, which means that the selling pressure at this position is almost digested.

Moreover, the hourly MACD short gate has no energy. Brother Tui analyzed that it is expected that a wave of acceleration will start after a fluctuation, so you can enter long orders at this position. The current price of ena is 0.428-0.415, and enter long orders in batches, and the stop loss is set to 0.039#ena
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Here is a contract code: pepe is currently priced at 0.00001184-0.0000115. Enter the long order in batches. We can see that pepe is still going strong, and its price has been at this four-hour strong support position. In addition, no matter how badly the market fell in the morning, pepe has been fluctuating at this position, which means that once the market starts to improve, pepe will start a new upward trend, or aim at a wave of gains. Stop loss 0.00001#PEPE创历史新高
Here is a contract code: pepe is currently priced at 0.00001184-0.0000115. Enter the long order in batches. We can see that pepe is still going strong, and its price has been at this four-hour strong support position.

In addition, no matter how badly the market fell in the morning, pepe has been fluctuating at this position, which means that once the market starts to improve, pepe will start a new upward trend, or aim at a wave of gains. Stop loss 0.00001#PEPE创历史新高
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Now we see that the MACD short position of ETH at the hourly level has begun to shrink significantly, and this position has been sideways for an afternoon, indicating that this state has begun to use shocks to digest the selling pressure that has been smashed down. In addition, there are data tonight. Although the current data does not have much impact, we also have to pay attention to it. We can see that the current lowest price of ETH has reached 3124, which is already very low. In addition, we are all familiar with Justin Sun, and Brother Sun is also a big investor in ETH. His price was bought at this position, indicating that this position will definitely be supported by large orders. If you want to enter the market and open more, you can wait for the data in the evening before choosing to enter the market. It has been smashed by Grayscale all day, so there is no law in the data tonight. At this position, Brother Legs is a famous brand bullish! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
Now we see that the MACD short position of ETH at the hourly level has begun to shrink significantly, and this position has been sideways for an afternoon, indicating that this state has begun to use shocks to digest the selling pressure that has been smashed down.

In addition, there are data tonight. Although the current data does not have much impact, we also have to pay attention to it. We can see that the current lowest price of ETH has reached 3124, which is already very low. In addition, we are all familiar with Justin Sun, and Brother Sun is also a big investor in ETH. His price was bought at this position, indicating that this position will definitely be supported by large orders.

If you want to enter the market and open more, you can wait for the data in the evening before choosing to enter the market. It has been smashed by Grayscale all day, so there is no law in the data tonight. At this position, Brother Legs is a famous brand bullish! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Here is the contract code. Turbo is currently priced at 0.00564. It is open at the multi-hour level and looks like a low golden cross. The MACD airdrop has no energy. Once this position starts to rise, there will be a 20cm big positive line. Stop loss 0.0052#turbo
Here is the contract code. Turbo is currently priced at 0.00564. It is open at the multi-hour level and looks like a low golden cross. The MACD airdrop has no energy. Once this position starts to rise, there will be a 20cm big positive line. Stop loss 0.0052#turbo
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Why are people who trade in cryptocurrencies often lonely? : Because it is difficult to find people like you. Before your asset size reaches A8, no one will take your words seriously. When your asset size increases, others will not understand what you say, and even if they understand, they cannot implement it, and they may even harm others. After all, stock trading is a minority making money from the majority. If you want to be less lonely, you have to stand with the majority. The sickle always cuts where the leeks are densely packed #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Why are people who trade in cryptocurrencies often lonely? :

Because it is difficult to find people like you.
Before your asset size reaches A8, no one will take your words seriously.
When your asset size increases, others will not understand what you say, and even if they understand, they cannot implement it, and they may even harm others.
After all, stock trading is a minority making money from the majority. If you want to be less lonely, you have to stand with the majority. The sickle always cuts where the leeks are densely packed #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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To add to the analysis of BTC, the market has been falling since I woke up this morning. We see that the market is now quiet again. This shows that many people have bought the bottom of ETFs, and then Grayscale has been dumping the market since the morning. This is what I mentioned earlier. The dealer will not be kind enough to let you buy low-priced chips. It will definitely continue to fall slowly and then wash the market back and forth, and then there will be a wave of pull-ups. At this time, many people in the market will think that the market will start to rebound, and they will frantically buy the bottom and go in with full positions. At this time, the dealer will join forces with institutions to dump the market, which will trap a lot of people, and then slowly fluctuate and fall, and there will be a needle down at any time to let those who have no mentality get off the bus, and then the market will basically start to sing short after getting off the bus, and then this is when it starts to rise. But there will be no signs before the rise begins. It may be like the last rise, when ETH rose 700 points at 3:00 in the morning. I vaguely remember that at that time, everyone in the market was basically paying attention to the Moyin coin sector, which led to many people missing out. Then many people who missed out would not look at the market, which would lead to a cold market. After ETH's ETF passed, many people saw new hope and began to frantically buy ETH as their bargaining chips. Therefore, ETH was the hardest hit in this round of decline. This is the method used by dealers and institutions to smash the market. #BTC☀
To add to the analysis of BTC, the market has been falling since I woke up this morning. We see that the market is now quiet again. This shows that many people have bought the bottom of ETFs, and then Grayscale has been dumping the market since the morning. This is what I mentioned earlier. The dealer will not be kind enough to let you buy low-priced chips.

It will definitely continue to fall slowly and then wash the market back and forth, and then there will be a wave of pull-ups. At this time, many people in the market will think that the market will start to rebound, and they will frantically buy the bottom and go in with full positions. At this time, the dealer will join forces with institutions to dump the market, which will trap a lot of people, and then slowly fluctuate and fall, and there will be a needle down at any time to let those who have no mentality get off the bus, and then the market will basically start to sing short after getting off the bus, and then this is when it starts to rise.

But there will be no signs before the rise begins. It may be like the last rise, when ETH rose 700 points at 3:00 in the morning. I vaguely remember that at that time, everyone in the market was basically paying attention to the Moyin coin sector, which led to many people missing out. Then many people who missed out would not look at the market, which would lead to a cold market. After ETH's ETF passed, many people saw new hope and began to frantically buy ETH as their bargaining chips. Therefore, ETH was the hardest hit in this round of decline. This is the method used by dealers and institutions to smash the market. #BTC☀
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