May 27, 2024 Grandpa checks in

I recently went to several industry-related conferences around me. The biggest feeling I had was that the blockchain industry was gradually becoming large-scale. Even though we were still not friendly to ZC, more and more people were coming in to pursue their dreams, as the market value of cryptocurrencies reached new highs and the stories of getting rich quickly seemed to be constantly unfolding. And a more obvious feature was that young people, even students, had already started to get in touch with it early. Many of the people at the events I went to recently were college students. More than ten years ago, when I first wanted to actively get in touch with Bitcoin, I looked around but couldn't find any channels. In contrast, the industry is now quite mature.

In addition, there are more and more blockchain cases in the entire venture capital circle. After a while, I realized that many entrepreneurial projects have begun to shift to the encryption field. In contrast, this may be more obvious overseas. Many projects have begun to focus on airdrops and support for developers, especially public chain projects with a large amount of financing. They choose to feed back to the entire industry and indirectly bring in many high-quality projects. I have always had a view that the development of the industry requires the simultaneous support of talent + funds. Without either, it is not sustainable. If this trend can continue, there will be more and more innovative encryption projects.

In terms of the market, Ethereum is regaining strength, which means that the funds that entered due to ETFs have not left yet, and they will leave only after a bigger wave of events. In the short term, it may not necessarily break new highs, especially since Bitcoin has always been suppressed by the pressure of 70,000. However, as the market digests, Ethereum still has a chance to regain its former strength. In theory, this wave of ETF benefits is the best time, and the main force will not easily let go of this opportunity to pull the market.

However, in terms of operation, in addition to long-term positions, I still recommend that the band continue to move, and continue to sell some of the gains, especially those who followed my previous rhythm to buy the bottom. The recent strong rebound of coins is mostly concentrated in the old blue chips of DeFi. For example, ENS, which we have played several times, can definitely be sold when it hits the historical high again. At worst, you can also switch to Ethereum. The core logic is that Bitcoin has not broken through the new high, and the pressure level of other coins is also valid. When Bitcoin shows signs of breaking through, we can follow it.

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