Elon Musk called artificial intelligence his main fear

During the VivaTech 2024 conference in Paris, billionaire Elon Musk admitted that the development of artificial intelligence could deprive humanity of the need to work. The Daily Mail writes about this.

“If you want to do a job that's like a hobby, you can do it. But otherwise, AI and robots will provide any goods and services you want,” he said.

Musk stressed that “neither of us will probably have a job.” To implement such a scenario, a “universal high income” will be needed. The concept envisions reducing the cost of human labor through AI, making basic needs accessible to everyone.

According to the billionaire, in the future humanity will not have a shortage of goods or services. Musk stressed that while his greatest hope is Mars, his greatest fear is artificial intelligence.

The entrepreneur referred to the series of science fiction works “Culture” by Scottish writer Iain Banks, which, in his opinion, represents the most realistic forecast of the future of AI.

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