【2024.5.27 BTC/ETH Weekly + Daily Market Analysis】

Good morning, brothers. A new week has begun. During the two days of the weekend, Bitcoin has been fluctuating widely in the 4-hour sideways zone. Fortunately, it did not fall below the daily support line last week. This week's market should be very optimistic without any negative news. The cottage industry will explode. The contract will mainly go long when it pulls back. Just hold the spot! #大盘走势

【Weekly Trend Analysis】

This week, Bitcoin should pay attention to the 6.6w position below. If it falls below this position, it will continue to fall. The support below is around 6.4-6.1. Pay attention to the 7.2w pressure level in the sideways zone. After breaking through, look at the previous high of 7.38-7.5.

The concubine is still relatively strong. Pay attention to the 3650 position below this week. If it falls below this position, it will continue to fall. The support below is around 3580-3350. Pay attention to the 3950 pressure level in the sideways trading zone. After breaking through, look at the previous highs of 4100-4280!

[Intraday Market Analysis]

The big cake is sideways on the weekend, and the 4-hour wide fluctuations. Pay attention to the 69000 position today. Only when it stands above this position, the rise will be more powerful. If the small-level correction does not break, go long. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 69600-70160-70830.

If the 4-hour closing line today cannot stand above 69000, it means that the bulls have no strength. It is likely to continue to fluctuate sideways or go through a correction market in 4 hours. Pay attention to the support level below 68500-67340-66170. #BTC走势分析

With the support of favorable expectations, Yi Tai has led a bunch of altcoins to rise while going out of the independent market. It is not appropriate to chase it now. It has risen to the pressure level of 3953. If it breaks through, the upper target/pressure level will continue to be around 4100-4157. Today, wait for the support level of 3876-3826-3800 below to wait for long orders #ETH