Odaily Planet Daily News Snapshot page shows that the Stargate community initiated a "Distribution of RFP" proposal vote, which will end on May 29. The proposal describes the strategic framework of the RFP that Stargate DAO is about to release. The four main factors discussed for the potential LayerZero token distribution include: governance participants, LPs, bridges, and partner agreements. The proposal suggests that after 10% of the shares are allocated to developers, the remaining 90% will be distributed, of which 38.5% will be allocated to cross-chain users (total transaction volume of at least 5,000, with a maximum limit of 750,000); 36.25% will be allocated to veSTG voters; 25% will be allocated to LPs (providing liquidity for at least 1 week, with a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $5 million in liquidity funds); 0.15% will be allocated to proposers; and 0.1% will be allocated to think tanks (ThinkTank). The Stargate Foundation will submit an RFP to the LayerZero Foundation after the vote and announce the winning results. Addresses calculated based on proposals submitted before June 10. Tokens will be allocated by the LayerZero Foundation thereafter.