Odaily Planet Daily News JPMorgan analysts said that Donald Trump's re-election as president seems to be a path to inflation, and the market may not be ready. "The market does not seem to have digested the risk premium of the impact of Trump's campaign's main policies on inflation," JPMorgan analysts said in a report to clients. JPMorgan listed the statements of the Trump campaign team, which proposed the following policy goals: plans to extend the 2017 tax cuts, strictly restrict immigration through the deportation of illegal immigrants, and impose tariffs on imported goods. The report believes that these measures may lead to inflation. Analysts pointed out that Trump also plans to replace Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell after his term ends, and "talked about" amending the law to reduce the independence of the Federal Reserve. But at the same time, it added that even if the Republicans control both the Senate and the House, it seems unlikely that amending the Federal Reserve Act to weaken the independence of the Federal Reserve will receive enough support in Congress. The report, released before the presidential debate, concluded that "Trump's policies overall may mean significant upside risks to inflation, inflation expectations and U.S. Treasury issuance." (DL News)