Google is working to eliminate errors and potentially dangerous responses from its AI search results. However, the new "AI Overview" feature sometimes incorrectly presented jokes and satire on social media and satire sites as facts.

Google's recent release of artificial intelligence search results has attracted a lot of attention, but not for the positive reasons expected. The tech giant announced a slew of new artificial intelligence tools last week as part of its newly launched "Gemini Era" strategy. Along with that comes a significant change to its signature web search service, where answers to questions in search results are now displayed in natural language directly on top of website links.

Although Google's update makes search technology more advanced and can handle more complex user questions, it has also raised some concerns. For example, when AI processes search results, it sometimes presents wrong or misleading information to users, which is particularly problematic when it comes to sensitive topics such as eugenics. Eugenics has been wrongly used for some inhumane policies in history, so the accuracy and sensitivity of its information is particularly important.

In addition, AI also has insufficient accuracy when identifying some specific things, such as distinguishing between poisonous and non-toxic mushrooms. This reminds us that when using AI search tools, we need to be extra careful about health and safety-related queries and seek professional confirmation whenever possible.

When providing answers to the "AI Overview" question, Google AI sometimes quotes content from social media such as Reddit, which may have been intended to be humorous or sarcastic. This has resulted in some obviously wrong or ridiculous answers being provided to users.

For example, one user reported that when they asked how to deal with depression, the Google AI actually suggested "jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge." Another response absurdly confirmed an anti-gravity ability, where a person can stay in the air as long as they don't look down.

These examples show that despite advances in AI’s ability to provide search results, there are still gaps in accuracy and reliability that need further improvement.

The original intention of Google's cooperation with Reddit was to make it easier for users to find and participate in communities and discussions of interest to them. However, this cooperation also exposes some risks, especially when AI processes content from Reddit. Because AI may not have enough ability to distinguish the authenticity or context of information, it may adopt and quote information on Reddit without discrimination. This indiscriminate adoption of information may lead to some misleading or even ridiculous suggestions appearing in search results.

For example, AI once gave an inappropriate suggestion that children should eat at least one small rock a day, and also incorrectly labeled the suggestion as coming from a geologist at the University of California, Berkeley. This example shows that when AI processes online information, it may ignore the credibility and appropriateness of the information, thus misleading it.

Although Google has deleted or corrected some obviously ridiculous answers, AI generative models sometimes produce inaccurate or fictional answers, a phenomenon known as "hallucinations." These "hallucinations" can be considered untrue statements because the AI ​​is creating content that is not factual.

Meanwhile, Google AI once mistakenly recommended using glue to prevent cheese from sliding off pizza, a suggestion that came from a decade-old comment on Reddit.

OpenAI's ChatGPT model has fabricated facts, including falsely accusing law professor Jonathan Turley of sexual assault based on a trip he never took. This incident reflects that AI may be overconfident when processing information and fail to accurately distinguish between true and false content on the Internet.

Furthermore, AI’s overconfidence could cause it to indiscriminately accept all information on the internet as true, and this trust could lead to misjudgments, such as wrongly finding a company guilty in the context of antitrust law and falsely attributing the blame to a former Google executive.

When users search for pop culture-related questions on Google, the AI ​​search suggestion feature sometimes brings some humorous or confusing results. This may be because AI encounters challenges in understanding when dealing with pop culture content, especially when such content contains humor, irony, or a specific social context. At the same time, AI may find it difficult to accurately grasp the true intention of such content, resulting in the suggestions or answers provided not being in line with the user's expectations, triggering some unexpected reactions.

In addition, Google AI provides updated advice on the issue of children ingesting stones, suggesting possible causes include curiosity, sensory processing difficulties, or dietary disorders. This once again shows that when using information provided by AI, especially when this information is related to health and safety advice, we must be extremely cautious and must seek professional advice and help.


Although Google AI's search suggestions feature has made significant technical progress, its shortcomings in accuracy and reliability may still lead to serious consequences. From the indiscriminate adoption of information on social media platforms such as Reddit, to misleading information on sensitive topics such as eugenics, to inappropriate self-criminalization in the legal field, these incidents have highlighted the significance of AI in information screening and judgment. defect.

In addition, the problem of AI models fabricating facts or generating "hallucinations" also shows its limitations in dealing with complex problems. Therefore, we must be vigilant about the information provided by AI, seek professional advice, and call on developers and researchers to continue to improve AI technology to ensure that it brings more benefits rather than risks to mankind. #GoogleAI #准确性 #AI模型 #可靠性