Trump made a statement at a rally in Racine, Wisconsin on June 18, reaffirming his support for the cryptocurrency sector and promising to end the Biden administration's restrictions on cryptocurrencies, calling it the "war on cryptocurrencies."

Trump's statement is the latest manifestation of his recent support for the cryptocurrency industry. He emphasized the importance of the development of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in the United States and warned that other countries may take advantage of this opportunity if no action is taken.

Trump campaign strategy

Trump's campaign team not only criticized the Biden administration on the issue of cryptocurrency, but also questioned its overall economic policies. Anna Kelly, a spokesperson for the Trump team, issued a statement to Reuters, emphasizing that under Biden's governance, the US economy faces many problems, including rising prices, falling wages and hindered manufacturing development.

Reuters reported that the location of Trump's rally in Racine, Wisconsin, is the location of the Foxconn factory, which has attracted much attention due to Trump's pro-manufacturing policies. However, although Trump claimed that the construction of the factory was the result of his policies during his first term, Foxconn ultimately failed to create enough jobs as expected.

Despite such challenges, Trump has stuck to his cryptocurrency strategy, saying it will help provide new jobs and development opportunities for young people.

Trump’s Early Crypto Commitments

This is not the first time Trump has expressed his support for cryptocurrency. As early as May 8, he publicly appealed to the cryptocurrency community, saying that if they support cryptocurrency, they should vote for him, and directly called: "If you support cryptocurrency, you'd better vote for Trump."

In June, Trump's promises escalated further. On June 7, he promised to end the so-called "Biden-Gensler crusade against cryptocurrencies," specifically mentioning Gary Gensler, the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appointed by the Biden administration, suggesting that Gensler held an unfriendly attitude toward cryptocurrencies in the Biden administration.

Then, on June 12, Trump announced a more ambitious plan to promote the mining of all remaining Bitcoins in the United States. Trump claimed that such a policy would not only promote the development of the US energy industry, but also help the United States gain a dominant position in the global energy field. This series of statements shows Trump's firm support for the cryptocurrency industry and attempts to make it part of his policy stance.

Biden's attitude is unclear

After Trump publicly supported the cryptocurrency industry and made a clear statement, Biden's position is relatively vague. In the face of Trump's positive attitude, Biden's campaign team seems to be considering adjusting their strategy towards the cryptocurrency industry.

According to media reports, Biden’s campaign is actively reaching out to members of the cryptocurrency industry to explore possible outreach strategies. In addition, there are rumors that Biden’s team is considering taking similar measures after Trump decided to accept cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce.

Despite reports that Biden's team may change its strategy, so far, Biden's campaign has not announced or confirmed any specific action plan. All these plans and trends are currently only reported by anonymous sources and lack official clarity. #特朗普 #加密货币 #政策框架


Trump's remarks at the rally in Racine, Wisconsin, not only demonstrated his strong support for the cryptocurrency industry, but also reflected his strategy to try to turn this position into a political advantage. He gradually built his own cryptocurrency policy framework through a series of statements, from calling for community support to proposing specific policy plans.

Meanwhile, Biden's team has been more cautious and opaque, although there are signs they may be considering adjusting their strategy in response to Trump's challenge.

As cryptocurrency becomes increasingly important in the economy and politics, the positions and strategies of the two candidates will continue to be closely watched, and their impact on the development of the industry will also be worth further observation.