#BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准

Yesterday's big cake followed Ang's operation and made a lot of money. I also need to have a double profit to pocket. It has been falling during the day, and it started to rise to around 69,200 at night. The target for my friends is also 69,000, which can be perfectly pocketed.

I can also make twice as much money now. The current price of big cake is around 68,800. We can also get a 1,500-dollar increase. Looking at the current trend, it will start to go sideways. The trend of big cake will not change much over the weekend. If you want to continue the pattern, pay attention to direct sales in batches, and then increase the parking space.

Following Ang's steady profit, we can be more aggressive, but don't chase blindly. Following good operations, making money is our goal.