#MegadropLista #meme板块关注热点 #AirdropGuide

Are you afraid to do anything in this market, or are you trapped by this market? You want to buy low-priced currencies again, but you can't do anything about your account. Feeling that the bull has run away, this can be a wrong hint, which will make you really miss the bull market.

It is still in the bull market, but the current trend makes everyone feel numb to the decline. Looking at the layout code constantly falling, they doubt themselves and even think about cutting their losses and leaving the market. You must know that the dealer institutions are not stupid. How can they start to pull the market when most retail investors are on the car? How can the car be pulled up if it is too heavy? In this case, let the trend follow the market, and let retail investors leave when there is a decline. If you can't accept the impact of the halving, how can you hold on to the increase of more than ten times?

This kind of market is a normal trend in the bull market. The market will not rise or fall all the time. When the expected result is achieved, a reversal will come. However, this process is cruel. Without firm belief, you will be left behind.

For us, the oscillating and sideways market is to keep our hands steady and not be swayed by emotions. The layout of spot should be more stable. The current decline will be pulled back again when large funds flow in and the market reaches the final stage of the bull market. If you don't have confidence, you shouldn't take this coin.

Everyone's account has shrunk a lot in this wave of decline, and Ang's will not be an exception, but the spot I have laid out is still firmly in my hands. The decline is only temporary. It looks uncomfortable now. Wait for the rise to come, wait for the doubling of the increase. If you want to eat meat, you must learn to accept the discomfort of the decline first. Now I still have APT, PIEEL, DOGE and several other spots in my hands. These have all fallen, but the potential behind is to see the take-off and rise.

When it falls, you have to think about how to get the low-cost cost of these potential spot layouts, so that you can eat meat when others regret cutting their meat. Follow Ang to find opportunities to deploy spot goods. If there is a purple gold promotion event, those who can hold on can deploy spot goods with Ang. After getting through this volatile trend, the bull market will come.