Bank co-creates a community-wide, fully autonomous leading dividend token:

The first 102.95% violent dividend mechanism, holding one coin will start violent dividends;

CK audit and CMC audit have been passed, and the double C audit ensures that Bank is a 100% safe token;


Buy transaction tax 3.0%; 3.0% all returns to the top mining pool;

Sell transaction tax 3.0%; of which 2.95% is the whole network dividend, and 0.05% is marketing promotion; At the same time↓↓↓

*When a sell order transaction occurs, the selling mechanism of the contract address "Top One" mining pool will be triggered. The mining pool will sell the tokens of the same amount of coins as the sell order in advance for each sell order transaction, and the 100% Usdt sold will be distributed to the whole network coin holders; Achieve 102.95% violent dividends! ! !


Bank is a dividend token based on the buying and selling transaction volume, so the coin price can be ignored.

Buy orders are greater than sell orders, and the coin price rises;

Sell orders are greater than buy orders, and dividends are more;

A super token that truly makes profits from both buying and selling! ! ! A common harbor for diamond hands and wave traders! ! !

Bank co-creates the community:

Hold the original intention of starting with a righteous heart and mind, guard the determination of all the firm diamond hands, and build the confidence of the wave traders' coin circle terminal;

At the same time, in order to empower Bank, the chain game ecology is already in progress, and the ecology will well empower the practicality and value of Bank, and face the whole network, compatible with other tokens to participate in eliminating bubbles and increase the coin price;


Looking forward to holding hands with you and witnessing the new coin circle myth together! ! !#Bank#Holding Coin Dividend #美众议院通过FIT21法案