What happened!!!!!!!!!

What happened!!!!!!!!!

What happened!!!!!!!!!

Shocking! USDC Treasury destroyed a huge amount!

USDC Treasury is amazing. At around 23:21 on May 23 in Beijing, 65,025,829 USDC were destroyed at once. The total value of these USDC is 65,058,341 US dollars! Such a big move has caused quite a stir in the world of cryptocurrency.

This shows that USDC Treasury is very confident in its own ecosystem, and it may also affect the flow of funds and prices in the entire market. Everyone is guessing whether this is to make the currency value more stable, to make the circulation better, or is there any other big plan?

This incident has brought new changes and topics to the cryptocurrency market. How it will develop in the future, we have to watch it carefully.

In the bull market, we will form the best group in the entire network. Follow me and see me pin it to the top, so that you can avoid detours in the currency circle.

#5月市场关键事件 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案