I would like to emphasize once again my personal prediction for the trend of Bitcoin. This analysis is purely a prediction. The specific reasons have been mentioned before, so I will not go into details.

The market forecast is as follows:

1. At this stage, Bitcoin will fluctuate and build a peak, and Ethereum will lead the altcoins to soar. The approximate time period will be 1 to 3 weeks. This is roughly the time span, and it is indeed impossible to define it very accurately.

2. Then the market will start to fluctuate downward, and will fluctuate between 6 and 6.3w. During this fluctuation process, the bulls will quietly build positions. The longer the fluctuation time, the more bulls will have, and finally the plunge mode will be entered.

3. The market will fall below 6w and drop to a strong support level of 5w. A large number of bloggers and retail investors will be completely bearish, and then the market will begin to fluctuate. A large number of short orders will begin to enter the market. However, the market will rise rapidly to eliminate all short orders, and then plummet again, completely entering the bottom accumulation stage of the large cycle. The accumulation process is basically in line with Wyckoff's accumulation theory, which can be used for reference.

4. This cycle will probably last 4 to 6 months. Why does it take so long? In fact, it is related to fund accumulation, which will be mentioned below.

Such predictions are really difficult. There are very few bloggers who can make such predictions, because it is too difficult to be accurate. Once inaccurate, it means losing a lot of fans. Many bloggers are very ambiguous in their video explanations and article explanations, but I don’t want to be that kind of ambiguous person. At this stage, I am firmly bearish on the trend. Many bloggers can make themselves justified whether the market goes up or down, and they seem powerful when it goes up and down. This actually doesn’t make much sense. I’m not a god. I’m just making a rough prediction based on my own analysis of the bull and bear markets and the psychology of the dog dealers. And this prediction does not involve specific points, because the points are really difficult to predict. I can only predict a general form.

Finally, let’s talk about the bull market:

1. The main upward trend of the bull market is not as simple as imagined. If the market wants to enter the main upward trend of the bull market, it must go through a long period of absorbing chips, or a super violent wash. The dog dealer must obtain low enough chips, and the car must be light enough, so that the market can start. However, in the current market, the main force is obviously shipping, and the market does not have the rhythm of a big bull main upward trend.

2. Buying when no one is interested is really too difficult. When no one is interested, it basically means that retail investors have been violently harvested, and many retail investors have lost confidence in the market. In this case, no one will be interested. Many groups and bloggers’ articles and videos will not be followed by many people. New investors will not enter the market because they cannot see the huge profits in the currency circle. At this time, no one is interested, and it is basically not far from pulling the market. However, at present, retail investors are obviously very active, and everyone is worried about missing out. This mentality is obviously in the ranks of being harvested. $BTC $ETH $BNB

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