Let me tell you how to divide the funds into batches: divided into equal batches and non-equal batches

First: Equal allocation, also known as the rectangular buying and selling method, refers to dividing the funds into several equal parts, buying or selling in sequence, and the proportion of funds bought and sold each time is the same. Usually 3 or 4 equal parts are used. For example, buy 30% first, and then buy 30% if you start to make a profit. If you don’t make a profit, don’t intervene with new funds for the time being. When the price of the currency reaches a certain high point or the market changes, reduce the position and sell in batches in sequence.

Second: Non-equal allocation, refers to buying or selling funds in different proportions, with different proportions of 1:3:5, 1:2:3:4, 3:2:3, etc. According to the proportion, the shapes generated are divided into: diamond, rectangle, hourglass, etc., and the pyramid buying and selling method is commonly used.

Third: Equal funds, equal positions, use different methods for comparison.

Pyramid: 1000 for 5 layers, 1100 for 3 layers, 1200 for 1 layer, average price 1055

Inverted pyramid: 1000 for 1 layer, 1100 for 3 layers, 1200 for 5 layers, average price 1144

Equally divided rectangle: 1000 for 3 layers, 1100 for 3 layers, 1200 for 3 layers, average price 1100

When the price rises to 1200, the profit is 145 for the pyramid, 56 for the inverted pyramid, and 100 for the rectangle

When the price falls to 1000, the loss is: +55 for the pyramid, -144 for the inverted pyramid, and -100 for the rectangle

By comparison, it can be seen that the pyramid type has the least cost, and the profit is greater when the price rises. When the price falls, the risk is stronger. The inverted pyramid is just the opposite. If the price falls to 1000, the inverted pyramid loses 144. In actual application, it is more reasonable to use the positive pyramid method when buying and the inverted pyramid method when selling.

After the price of the currency has fallen sharply, it has bottomed out but we are not sure whether it has reached the bottom. If we buy at this time, we are afraid of continuing to fall and being trapped. If we do not buy, we are worried that the market will reverse and rise and miss the opportunity. Then we can use the pyramid position building method.

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