Market prices fluctuate repeatedly, is the bull market over?

The answer is no!

Bitcoin 200-week moving average heat map


Historically, in every bull and bear cycle.

When we see the orange and red dots assigned to the price chart, it is a good time to sell Bitcoin because the market is overheated and the bull market has peaked. The periods when the price point is purple and close to the 200-week MA have always been good times to buy, either during a deep correction in a bear or bull market, like 94 in 2017.

The price has not bottomed out yet, and there are no orange and red dots on the chart.

This means that the price is still in a stage of adjustment, has not reached its peak, and the bull market has not ended yet.

It is very likely to go down and come to the 200-week moving average (4w-4.5w), and then start a violent bull market!

Escape Index



When the price falls below the 2-year moving average (green line), it is a dip buying signal and buying Bitcoin will generate excess returns.

When the price exceeds the 2-year moving average x5 (red line), it is a sell signal to escape the top, and selling Bitcoin will generate greater profits.

Now it is still far from the upper red line. To reach the red line, the price will be around 150,000 US dollars!

Rainbow Chart


Everyone is familiar with the rainbow picture.

The warmer colors above show when the market may be overheated, investors are selling, and the market is peaking.

When prices drop to cooler colors, the overall market sentiment is depressed, it is a bear market phase, a great time to buy!

From a big cycle perspective, Bitcoin has not shown any signs of reaching its bull market peak. It is just a normal correction in the bull market. I think within a few months, there will be a new round of increases!

That’s when the violent bull market begins!