$REZ 🚀🚀The world is at stake, REZ emergency trading strategy is out! 🚀🚀

🔥REZ short-term trend is clear, trading strategy is ready for you! 🔥

📉1-2 hour level: short side dominates, stay alert.

📈4 hour level: callback market appears, key price 0.1255, if it stabilizes, long position opportunity is coming. 🔥🔥🔥Find the author Cfst888

📌Long position strategy: keep an eye on the 4-hour price of 0.1255, once it stabilizes, the callback ends, decisively attack long positions. Target pressure level: near 0.1320, 0.1367.

📌Short order strategy: If the pressure level fails to break, the short risk will increase. The support levels are: 0.1220, 0.1190, and 0.1159. Please pay attention to risk control.

📣📣Traders, remember to defend first and then attack! Only a steady defense can ensure that the profit is in hand! 📣📣

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