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WHY is Crypto So Volatile compared to traditional Trade Markets ? Cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile due to several factors. Firstly, the relatively small market size compared to traditional financial markets means that even small trades or events can have a significant impact on prices. Additionally, the lack of regulation and oversight in many jurisdictions can lead to market manipulation and sudden price swings. Moreover, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies means that there is no central authority to stabilize prices or intervene during periods of extreme volatility. This lack of centralized control can exacerbate price fluctuations, as traders react to news, rumors, and sentiment in real-time. Furthermore, the speculative nature of cryptocurrency investments contributes to volatility. Many investors are drawn to cryptocurrencies for their potential high returns, leading to periods of rapid price appreciation followed by sharp corrections. Additionally, technological factors such as network congestion, software bugs, and security vulnerabilities can also contribute to price volatility. For example, concerns about the scalability of certain blockchain networks or the security of exchanges can cause sudden drops in prices. Overall, the combination of these factors results in the high volatility observed in cryptocurrency markets, making them attractive to traders seeking opportunities for profit but also exposing them to significant risks.

WHY is Crypto So Volatile compared to traditional Trade Markets ?

Cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile due to several factors. Firstly, the relatively small market size compared to traditional financial markets means that even small trades or events can have a significant impact on prices. Additionally, the lack of regulation and oversight in many jurisdictions can lead to market manipulation and sudden price swings. Moreover, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies means that there is no central authority to stabilize prices or intervene during periods of extreme volatility. This lack of centralized control can exacerbate price fluctuations, as traders react to news, rumors, and sentiment in real-time. Furthermore, the speculative nature of cryptocurrency investments contributes to volatility. Many investors are drawn to cryptocurrencies for their potential high returns, leading to periods of rapid price appreciation followed by sharp corrections. Additionally, technological factors such as network congestion, software bugs, and security vulnerabilities can also contribute to price volatility. For example, concerns about the scalability of certain blockchain networks or the security of exchanges can cause sudden drops in prices. Overall, the combination of these factors results in the high volatility observed in cryptocurrency markets, making them attractive to traders seeking opportunities for profit but also exposing them to significant risks.

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🚨🚨 My Mistakes as a Crypto Beginner 🚨🚨 My Mistakes as a Crypto Beginner which you can avoid: 1: Don't get FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) 2: Don't cut profits 3: Secure profits So I started Crypto in October last year as a total beginner. I thought you can make money quickly only by futures (Not realizing you can also lose money quickly). So started futures and got 70$ of loss by just longing or shorting coins . 70$ is a good amount (not much but a fair amount) in my country. I then started spot because it looked safe to me and also they were too low . The bull run was also in initial phase. So I bought some coins like storj , dot and some other . I got a lot of profit in storj . Slowly steadily I recovered all my loss and was in profit. But here are four examples where I missed amazing profits 1: I bought 4 farm coins at 39.45 and after 3 days it pumped to 68 . I didn't book profit and waited it to go more but It came down and I sold it at 44 with just 25 dollar profit instead of 112 . I sold it and next day it went again to 60$ . I again got FOMO and bought at 56 and waited for 2 months and sold at 58 and after some 2 weeks it went to 128 . 2: I bought id at 0.032 and sold at 0.046 . But it went to 1.70. I sold that coin because I had no knowledge of consolidation or retracement 3: I bought bel for a big amount of usdt at 0.91 and sold at 1.03 to buy mdt . I sold bel just before the pump to 2.68 . I had previously set my orders at 2.50 . So I almost missed 330 usdt profit So as a beginner crypto trader you need two things to keep in mind when buying in spot and selling in spot 1: Follow narratives like AI narrative took wld to 11 , fet to 3 and many other coins got too high 2: clear goals and patience. Don't be a jumping rabbit and just rely on your projects. Will like to share more such tips in my next posts

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