Monday summary and early morning operation ideas: unwind and go long!

Yesterday morning, it stabilized and pulled up, but the European market fluctuated. After the high fluctuation, it is inevitable that the rise will accelerate in the early morning! On the basis of bullishness, there must not be a large retracement. The smaller the retracement, the more conducive to the rise. Yesterday, Bitcoin was more than 66,000, more than 66,700 at noon, including 66,500 in the afternoon and 66,800 in the evening. The target is basically Cashed in🧧!

Over and over again, and again and again, every time it was done accurately, and the rhythm of the four consecutive victories in the day was hot. Today, I scored a total of 2700 points. When the rhythm is right, increasing the points is as easy as drinking water. For today, it’s the same. After confirming the backstepping, and in a state of excessive support, the remaining two words are for everyone, Zuoduo

Bitcoin has rebounded strongly overnight at 67,800. After coming under pressure, it started to fluctuate at a significantly high level on the daily line. However, in this adjustment, the currency price did not pull back, but completed the repair and adjustment of the indicator through the shock. Then the second rise broke through. The high time period will be relatively shortened; on the daily line, it has already broken through the 69,000 mark. The secondary position is the key dividing point of today's daily line. In the short term, there may be competition around 69,000; the upper resistance is what we have repeatedly emphasized recently. If If the daily line of this round of rebound can successfully stabilize, the daily line will establish the conditions for a second rise after bottoming out; the next stage target is 70,000.

Monday midnight operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: In the short term, it will retreat around 68500-690000, but it can be more, and the target is 70000-71000.

Ether: Just synchronize your ideas, pick up the points, and take good defense! #BTC走势分析 #BTC #ETH