Since its birth, the price of Bitcoin has soared from 1 cent to 73,000 US dollars. Is the secret behind this clear?

The surge in Bitcoin is not due to water release or favorable policies, but is driven by the tenacious vitality brought by the halving mechanism. Even in the Fed's interest rate hike cycle, Bitcoin can still go out of the 100-fold bull market.

Looking back at history, whether it is the bull market in 2013 or 2017, it was not affected by the US water release cycle. In the bull market from 20 to 21, even without the introduction of unlimited QE, Bitcoin can still lead the way. On the contrary, during the bear market last year, even if the US released water again, Bitcoin still adhered to the bear market.

These facts fully prove that the bull-bear conversion of Bitcoin is not determined by external factors, but has its own internal basic principles. Only by deeply understanding these principles can we more accurately grasp the trend of Bitcoin and avoid making big mistakes in investment.

The bull-bear conversion of Bitcoin has its unique internal logic. Only by deeply studying and understanding these principles can we make more wise investment decisions.

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