Let me tell you a true story about the Tugou season some time ago. Three types of people who rushed to Tugou

Affected by the surge in BOME, Slerf went through the life of many coins in 6 hours.

The magical thing about fate is that the top three individual holders have three different stories, some of whom suffered huge losses and some of whom made huge profits. Wonderful, really wonderful.

The first person:

The largest holder is the holding address 4. He used 34952Sol worth 7.2M to buy 8.09M SLERF, which is now only worth 3.7M. In just 5 hours, it has been cut in half, with a loss of 3.5m. It is worth mentioning that this big holder should be emotional in Fomo. He first used 1000sol to buy in three times within one hour of the opening, and the profit was multiplied. Then he used 100 million SOL to increase his position three times during the rise, which led to the current huge loss.

This big holder represents a type of people:

Buy with a small position at the opening, and slap your thigh after the rise, thinking that you bought too little, and then increase your position to take over. It leads to huge losses.

Second person:

Holding address 7 is the second largest individual user. He used 2864 Sol (worth 59K) to obtain 5.7M SLERF, which is now worth 2.67M. He made a profit of more than 2M in just a few hours.

This big user represents a type of people:

Having keen insight, awesome hype, and making huge profits in one plate.

Third person:

Holding address 8 is the third largest individual holder. He sold 230 million BOME and bought 5.7M SLERF. The value of BOME when it was sold was 3.6M. SLERF is now worth 2.67M. He lost 1M in just three hours. However, his BOME made huge profits. He used 403SOL to buy 800 million BOME at that time. The profit is still as high as 10M according to the current price.

This big user represents a type of people:

He made huge profits in other cottages, and then started to rush into other MEMEs, but he could not continue the legend after all. Let us wait and see how much profit it can keep.

To sum up

The first people who lose money in the cryptocurrency circle are those who are just gambling and making a profit

The second are smart people who think they are very strong and have excellent investment ability

The last are the new investors who follow various market news and have never found an accurate positioning and way to accumulate wealth

Most retail investors and most people who buy local dogs can only be the first or third type of people, so I never bring my friends in the community to buy local dogs, the market changes too fast, and if I am not careful, I may make money, but my friends in the group will lose money

Tugou has created many wealth myths, but if you look at those people who got rich overnight, there is actually nothing to learn from them. The capital market cannot rely on luck, and the ability that cannot be replicated is not as good as the ability to grow continuously. The market always sends this kind of news that someone has made a fortune. The voices of failure are covered by the voices of making money. You will never hear a large number of similar voices. "I lost money, I lost again." Because these people have left the market forever. What you hear is that I made money and got rich, and then copied their methods and thought they were useful, but in the end... their methods cannot be replicated at all. Because this is not the law of wealth, but is largely affected by luck, and such a myth of getting rich overnight can only appear when multiple factors are superimposed. I hope everyone understands it for themselves. Don't guess or gamble, learn to make certain money

Make money clearly and know clearly what you earn and lose clearly

I've finished writing, come on

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