The direction of the market is usually correct, so don't let the money you can get slip away in vain! Investment does not have to be better than the market. Many times, choosing the right direction is much more important than working hard! When a trend appears, we will follow it and run with it; when there is no trend, just watch and wait patiently. You must know that tomorrow's success depends on today's choices, just as God will reward diligent people, the earth will treat kind people well, and people will favor honest people. Doing business with integrity can make money, pursuing excellence in career can succeed, and doing art with heart can be colorful. If you still can't figure out the trend of the market and have been losing money, then look down quickly, get on the bus quickly and don't fall behind! #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $NOT $PEPE $ZK