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Statistics on the performance of 17 tokens launched on #okx in the past six months👇🏻 It was found that only 3 tokens rose in price compared to when they were launched: JTO rose by 174%, BONK rose by 147.7%, and JUP rose by 55% 📍The biggest declines include: AVIVE fell by 91.5%, MERL fell by 73.9%, and MSN fell by 73.5% Among the 17 projects, 9 have broken or were close to breaking, they are 👇🏻 (RUNECOIN/MSN/MERL/T NSR/W/ZK/AEVO/AVIVE/SATS), OKX's new coin break-even rate in the past six months is more than half And due to the platform's vague compliance policy, there are also some projects that are actually listed but not open to ordinary users to display trading pairs As for which ones, and how their rise and fall are, I can't count them all, because as I said, it is not open to me and most people🤣 Finally, this article is only for data statistics and description of objective facts. If you say I am brainless FUD, I will help you ask #Binance Dragon Boat Festival surrounding will send walnuts

Statistics on the performance of 17 tokens launched on #okx in the past six months👇🏻

It was found that only 3 tokens rose in price compared to when they were launched: JTO rose by 174%, BONK rose by 147.7%, and JUP rose by 55%

📍The biggest declines include: AVIVE fell by 91.5%, MERL fell by 73.9%, and MSN fell by 73.5%

Among the 17 projects, 9 have broken or were close to breaking, they are 👇🏻

(RUNECOIN/MSN/MERL/T NSR/W/ZK/AEVO/AVIVE/SATS), OKX's new coin break-even rate in the past six months is more than half

And due to the platform's vague compliance policy, there are also some projects that are actually listed but not open to ordinary users to display trading pairs

As for which ones, and how their rise and fall are, I can't count them all, because as I said, it is not open to me and most people🤣

Finally, this article is only for data statistics and description of objective facts. If you say I am brainless FUD, I will help you ask #Binance Dragon Boat Festival surrounding will send walnuts

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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看了一下BinanceResearch的新更新了篇有关BTC L2的研究报告,目前BTC L2的基本盘和使用的基本方案都有做通盘介绍,推荐阅读 📍懒得看原文的朋友一会我会把这篇文章给翻译成中文,这次是全文翻译 总结一下报告👇🏻 (1)比特币的最新发展,包括铭文、BRC-20 代币和符文,将比特币扩容方案的讨论推向了新的高度。比特币的平均交易费用从 2022 年的 1.5 美元上涨至 2023 年的 4.2 美元,到目前为止,2024 年为 9.5 美元。 (2)以太坊的市值约为4500亿美元,而各种L2解决方案的总TVL约为 450 亿美元,即 L2 整个板块占以太坊总市值的约 10%。比特币的市值为 1.4 万亿美元,其 L2 TVL 仅为约 20 亿美元,仅占比特币总体市值的约0.13%。 (3)分析比特币可扩展性解决方案时需要考虑的关键包括: -它们如何解决无需信任的双向桥接问题 -与比特币基础层的关系和一致性 -是否有任何分叉的要求 -它们在用户、开发者和新用户之间具有何种程度的激励 (4)基础设施层面的Taproot和BitVM方案的发展扩大了在比特币上构建协议的可能性。尽管其中一些实现仍处于起步阶段,但这并没有阻止为比特币的扩容问题提供了创新的解决方案。 (5)闪电网络和RGB协议等“比特币原生”协议都旨在提高比特币的P2P交易能力,并为原链引入智能合约功能,同时保留比特币的完整性。到目前为止,闪电网络的推出相对成功,而 RGB 仍处于开发阶段。 (6)还存在其他类型的扩容解决方案,从侧链到使用BTC封装的资产作为质押资产来保护其链的EVM兼容L1。尽管这一方案在某种程度上的确利用了比特币的安全性,但它们通常具有中心化组件,这些协议无法真正声称继承了比特币的安全性。 (7)近来出现在比特币“L2”场景中的零知识Rollup利用BitVM作为其底层技术,与其他仅将区块数据的哈希值发布到比特币区块中的扩容解决方案相比,可以更安全地验证Rollup数据。这些Rollup可以说继承了当前阶段比特币的最高安全性。 (8)随着比特币的表现力不断开拓,以及稳定币、货币市场、质押和再质押以及链上衍生品等DeFi原语的出现,比特币L2解决方案的重要性将继续增长。未来是一个激动人心的时刻,预计未来几个月将有大量发展。 原文跳转

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