Analysis and sharing of ETH market trend on May 18

The price of Ethereum successfully rose to around 3119 at around 1 a.m. today, and then fell back to below 3100 and continued to fluctuate. From the daily line, the price of the currency has continued to rise for many days, the three lines of KDJ opened upward, the MACD fast and slow lines turned upward at the bottom, and the red energy column continued to increase. From the four-hour level, the K line has gone out of the rising price channel, and the MACD bullish energy column continued to increase. In order to start steadily, it is recommended to do more in the callback. Real-time guidance: btc0931

ETH operation suggestions: long orders around 3010-3050, target 3130-3160, risk control: 2970

This column has long focused on the dynamics of mainstream currency market trends and daily point analysis. I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I used to be a leek. Recently, there have been unsatisfactory operations. If you want to learn without a teacher, please leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get real-time guidance #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH走势分析