Analysis and sharing of ETH market trend in the morning of June 20

ETH rebounded rapidly from 3380 yesterday to 3580. From the daily line, the K line has been out of the positive line for two consecutive days, running below the middle track of BOLL, the MACD fast and slow lines are about to turn upward, the short energy column continues to shrink, and the KDJ three lines open upward. From the four-hour level, the MACD fast and slow lines run upward, the long energy column continues to increase, and the KDJ three lines slowly turn upward. In order to start steadily, you can wait for the callback to arrange a long order! (Find me to see the homepage)

ETH operation suggestion: long order layout near 3480-3530, target 3610-3660, risk control: 3430

This column has long focused on the dynamics of mainstream currency market trends and daily point analysis. I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I used to be a leek. Recently, there are unsatisfactory operations. I want to learn without a teacher. Welcome to leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get real-time guidance #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥