The most disgusting thing in the cryptocurrency circle is not flying or hanging up, but completely losing direction. After a round, the coins you hold do not move

And the coins you sold start to soar, but you dare not sell them, fearing that they will take off if you sell them; you don’t know how to choose to buy at the bottom

You want to buy everything but find that you don’t have enough funds... The core reason why many people are in this embarrassing situation lies in cognition, thinking, and self-righteousness!

I summarize the following points:

1. This year, Bitcoin is moving independently, but you turn a blind eye to it;

2. Bitcoin has gradually aligned with the U.S. stock market, and is no longer the big brother that used to lead a group of copycats to eat meat, but you are unwilling to admit it;

3. The implementation of ETFs, the cost of institutions, the cost of absenteeism, and the economic environment of the U.S. are unlikely to cause Bitcoin to plummet, but you don’t understand;

4. Without new capital injection, the existing capital volume is not enough to support the general rise of copycats, but you still bet that a certain local dog in your hand can make you rich;

5. When Ethereum has become a blood-sucking tool for Bitcoin, you are still talking about K-lines, indicators, and support points

6. If you subconsciously think that Bitcoin is going to plummet, then how dare you buy at 60,000! If Bitcoin doesn’t fall, how dare you buy the bottom of the altcoin?

7. The price of Ethereum is obviously a means for capital to suppress the capital and let the funds flow to BTC, but you think that Ethereum is not good, so you buy SOL, but it is still hung on the top of the mountain;

8: Hong Kong ETF has played a decisive role in stopping the decline of altcoins, but you are still scolding Hong Kong ETF for being useless;

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