Hot info:

1. On May 16, BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of US$94 million, and Grayscale GBTC had a net inflow of US$5 million

2. BTC has flowed out of the exchange more than 20,000 BTC since the day before yesterday, and the purchase action

3. In Q1 2024, 937 financial institutions purchased#Bitcoinvia ETFs, with institutional adoption ten times that of gold.

4.$LINK, Chainlink announced the results of the Smart NAV industry pilot in collaboration with DTCC and 10 major financial institutions to provide mutual fund data on the chain.

5. $ETC, production will be reduced on June 2, with the first target around 35!


An upward structure destruction is formed at the 1H level. If it encounters resistance near 65,900 when rebounding, it will continue to fall back. We still need to pay attention to the buying opportunity near 63,200!


ETH's weak performance is a bit disappointing. Before the 23rd, the probability of ETF not passing was 95%, and the price was extremely suppressed. Therefore, it is reasonable to imagine that if it does not pass on the 23rd, the negative impact of the landing will be a counter-human operation! Speculation is not only about using good news to push up the price of the currency to ship, but also using bad news to suppress the price of the currency to complete the accumulation of funds!

The current price has reached the gap position of 2950-2900 given yesterday. The short-term support has not yet formed a small-level structural destruction. If BTC continues to fall back, its price may still return to the lower range and hunt for the lower edge and previous low liquidity.

Optimize the quantitative strategy configuration plan:

Countermeasures for insufficient positions:

Suspend all strategies (to avoid locking the API), and set the strategy type to conservative or extreme!

If you have a spare position, you can transfer the spare position to the spot account!

If there are positions that are released, the strategy of the currency with large floating losses can be suspended first, so that the closed positions can be used to release positions with currencies with small floating losses more easily and profitably!

Seize the opportunity of market rebound, release the currency positions, and adjust and reduce the position ratio in time!

Enable sharding strategy as appropriate! (2-3 shards)

In the current market, we can focus on implementing this practical technique (with good results):

1. After the strategy covers the 4th position, the strategy type can be adjusted to conservative!

2. When the 4th position of the strategy is closed with profit, adjust the strategy type to stable or volatile!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!