Recently, a piece of news about Chengdu Lian'an Technology executive Gao Ziyang misappropriated digital currency temporarily stored by the police to short Bitcoin and caused a liquidation has attracted widespread attention. According to online rumors, this post-90s executive is suspected of misappropriating illegal digital assets worth nearly 300 million seized by the police in the Token Better digital currency exchange case, and conducting high-risk contract transactions, which eventually led to the liquidation of all funds.

The news pointed out that the Token Better digital currency exchange was investigated by the Economic Investigation Department for involvement in pyramid schemes, and the main person in charge, Xiong Bingbing, was criminally detained. During the investigation of the case, the police seized illegal digital assets worth nearly 300 million yuan. Due to the special properties of these assets, the police chose to temporarily store them in Chengdu Lian'an Technology for safekeeping. However, when the Economic Investigation Department went to the company to settle the accounts, they found that these digital assets had disappeared.

After investigation, the police found that the funds were illegally misappropriated by Lian'an Technology's CMO Gao Ziyang by taking advantage of his position. Gao Ziyang allegedly used these digital assets for high-risk contract transactions and shorted Bitcoin with leverage, but eventually all funds were liquidated due to market fluctuations.

Regarding this incident, Chengdu Lian'an Technology responded on April 7 that the news that Gao Ziyang misappropriated the police's temporary digital currency was untrue, and the company was contacting the legal department to handle the matter. However, as of now, Gao Ziyang himself has not made any response to this matter, and he has not been contacted through WeChat or other means.

According to an insider, Gao Ziyang is responsible for many businesses at Lian'an Technology, including security audits, external cooperation, and interviewing new employees. The insider said that Gao Ziyang seemed very busy at work, but it was unclear what he was busy with. He tried to meet Gao Ziyang many times, but the other party often failed to show up as scheduled, giving people the feeling that he was absent-minded and worried.

At present, Gao Ziyang has been detained by the police and the case is under further investigation. This incident has also caused widespread discussion and attention within the blockchain circle. Many industry insiders said that Gao Ziyang's behavior not only damaged the company's reputation, but also exposed the problems in the digital currency industry in terms of supervision and risk management. At the same time, it also reminded investors to be more cautious and rational when investing in digital currencies.