In the cryptocurrency circle, a project owner only needs three steps to harvest leeks and become rich overnight.

1. Create a successful case

First, do a small project, let many people know, and then invest money in it. This small project should make all investors make money, and make a lot of money, and then, spend a little money to become famous overnight, proving your strength!


2. Second, show your own case

Through this project, expand many connections, let more and more people pay attention to themselves, let more people discover the success of the case, and let it be said that it is to expand influence. Lay the foundation for future success.


3. Do a bigger project

At this time, the right time (previously successful cases), the right place (more partners), and the right people (a steady stream of leeks) are all available.

At this time, everyone finds that the last rich project owner has a new project, and everyone must flock to it.

The rest is to release the project.

Let everyone enter the market, complete the harvest, and end perfectly.

At this point, the effort you put into the first project will be rewarded a hundredfold or a thousandfold!
