19 tips for growth that will help you turn the tide

1. Say goodbye to TikTok and Moments, and you will find that life is more fulfilling and achievements are higher.

2. Collect happy moments. Write down the beautiful moments in life in a memo, and flip through it when you are in a bad mood, and you will be cured instantly.

3. Do a big cleaning every half a month. Clear away all the people you no longer contact and things you no longer use, and your mood will also be refreshed.

4. In WeChat, set the file transfer assistant to the top. When you have inspiration or temporary ideas, quickly record them down and don't let good ideas slip away.

5. Try the Feynman learning method, learn in a teaching way, and the learning effect will double.

6. Arrange your time reasonably, don't always swipe your phone, learn more, improve more, and live a more exciting life.

7. The three steps to efficient rest: change the environment, eat some sweets, stay away from highly stimulating content, and quickly restore energy.

8. Accumulate wealth, knowledge and happiness. Read a book every month, save some money every year, and your life will become better and better.

9. Prepare for everything in advance, avoid cramming at the last minute, and things will naturally go more smoothly.

10. Don't waste your weekends. Get up early to do something meaningful, sleep well at night, and spend a fulfilling and satisfying weekend.

11. Learn to sort and organize, put important things in a prominent position, and live a more organized life.

12. Remember to back up important information just in case, so that you don't regret it.

13. Keep a balance between input and output. Read more books, learn more, and then share it to make knowledge your own.

14. Simplify methods and improve efficiency. Simplify complex things, save time and do more things.

15. Learn something new every day, more skills, more opportunities.

16. Make a list, write down what you have to do every day, and see how much you have completed in the evening, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

17. To deal with procrastination, try the "Oli Ge Instant Doing Method", do it in one go and finish it quickly.

18. Carry paper with you, small details are very useful, and it can help you a lot at critical moments.

19. When you are in a bad mood, do something that makes you happy, change your perspective, and life will be better.

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