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Jinqunqun official account: Lao Gou Shuobi
Jinqunqun official account: Lao Gou Shuobi
近日,一位粉丝在出售价值20万人民币的U时,不慎落入电信诈骗的陷阱。 在此,提醒大家在进行虚拟货币交易时务必保持高度警惕,以免遭受损失。 该粉丝在交易过程中,遇到了一个自称“隔壁老王”的买家。 在交易完成后,发现支付款项并非来自“隔壁老王”,而是由“隔壁老李”和“隔壁老黄”等不同账户汇入。这种情况极有可能是电信诈骗的手段。 果不其然,几天后,粉丝接到了jc的通知,要求其协助调查。原来,汇入到他支付宝的20万人民币涉嫌电信诈骗款项,而该朋友因此被网上追逃。 jc告知,其支付宝账户已被冻结,且可能因涉案而导致其他银行卡受到影响,甚至被限制人身自由。 在面对jc的询问时,该粉丝为了尽快摆脱困境,选择了退赔涉案款项。 即使退赔完成,也并不意味着彻底洗脱了嫌疑。 只是采取了取保候审的临时强制措施,并告知只有当案件侦查终结后,才能证明其清白。 这起事件给我们敲响了警钟,在进行交易时,务必保持谨慎。 以下几点建议或许能帮你降低风险: 验证买家身份:在交易前,请务必核实买家的真实身份和支付方式。如果买家使用他人账户进行支付,应高度警惕。 选择正规平台:尽量选择正规、知名的交易平台进行交易,以降低被骗风险。 保留证据:妥善保存交易记录、聊天记录等证据,以便在出现问题时维护自己的权益。 虚拟货币交易存在较高风险,我们应时刻保持警惕,切勿贪图小利而陷入诈骗陷阱。 我是一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,币安跟单广场5,合约看盘技巧兔费分享,每日给点位 6

想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,币安跟单广场5,合约看盘技巧兔费分享,每日给点位 6
币圈交易之路,切勿操之过急 币圈是一个把欲速则不达诠释到极致的行业——越是渴望在交易中快速获得利润想赚快钱的人,越容易在币圈之路中迷失自我。反而是那些能够与币圈保持合适距离感的交易者,能够更加快速地掌握币圈交易的节奏,走出一条适合自己的交易之路。 在币圈做交易这件事情,从某种程度上来讲,就和谈恋爱、追女生是一个道理。你越是紧盯着她(市场)不放,越是频繁地献上殷勤当舔狗(频繁下单操作),越容易遭到她的嫌弃(亏损)。而相反的,只要你跟她保持一定距离感即欲擒故纵,在她需要你的时候献上一个微笑、递上一杯奶茶(抓住交易机会),如此坚持下去,反反复复,她已经对你敞开心扉,自然而然地和你走到一起。 交易也好,市场也罢,如果你太过于依附于它们,它们反而会与你渐行渐远。而如果你用一颗轻松的心态来接纳它们,它们也会以一种轻松的形式归顺于你。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,币安跟单广场前5,合约看盘技巧兔费分享,每日给点位 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC



想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,币安跟单广场前5,合约看盘技巧兔费分享,每日给点位 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC
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A Tsinghua graduate received four offers: 1. Shenzhen Huawei, monthly salary 37,000, 14 salaries a year; 2. China Southern Power Grid, monthly salary 8,000 (including performance bonus), one-bedroom dormitory guarantee; 3. Alibaba, monthly salary 22,000, 16 salaries a year, with some stock options; 4. Selected student, civil servant establishment in a county in Hubei, monthly salary 4,800, full benefits, canteen, basically no other expenses. How should he choose? If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETFvsBTC
A Tsinghua graduate received four offers:
1. Shenzhen Huawei, monthly salary 37,000, 14 salaries a year;
2. China Southern Power Grid, monthly salary 8,000 (including performance bonus), one-bedroom dormitory guarantee;
3. Alibaba, monthly salary 22,000, 16 salaries a year, with some stock options;
4. Selected student, civil servant establishment in a county in Hubei, monthly salary 4,800, full benefits, canteen, basically no other expenses.
How should he choose?
If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETFvsBTC
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Musk: I can earn 100 million in the blink of an eye! Bill Gates: I can earn 100 million in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee! Tobacco tycoon: I can take a walk and get 100 million! Alibaba Ma: I can easily get 100 million during lunch time! Tencent Ma: I took a nap and woke up with 100 million more in my account! Internet celebrity: I have to work day and night for two years to see 100 million! County magistrate: Oh, to raise 100 million, I have to work hard for a full ten years! Scientist: In order to earn this 100 million, I am afraid I have to devote half of my life to research! Farmer: 100 million? Then I have to cultivate the land from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty! The vast number of farmers are the most solid foundation of society, and scientists are the backbone of scientific and technological progress and the core talents for the advancement of human civilization. Sadly, it takes the longest time for these two types of people to make 100 million yuan. So for you in the cryptocurrency circle, let’s not talk about making 100 million yuan. Considering your current situation, how much money do you need to turn things around? Follow me, the most authentic free sharing strategy on the entire network, I have doubled my money by about 10 times in a month (I opened a Binance order number, you can chat with me at any time to check the authenticity), free sharing, I am waiting for you in the circle, #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Musk: I can earn 100 million in the blink of an eye!

Bill Gates: I can earn 100 million in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee!

Tobacco tycoon: I can take a walk and get 100 million!

Alibaba Ma: I can easily get 100 million during lunch time!

Tencent Ma: I took a nap and woke up with 100 million more in my account!

Internet celebrity: I have to work day and night for two years to see 100 million!

County magistrate: Oh, to raise 100 million, I have to work hard for a full ten years!

Scientist: In order to earn this 100 million, I am afraid I have to devote half of my life to research!

Farmer: 100 million? Then I have to cultivate the land from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty!

The vast number of farmers are the most solid foundation of society, and scientists are the backbone of scientific and technological progress and the core talents for the advancement of human civilization. Sadly, it takes the longest time for these two types of people to make 100 million yuan.
So for you in the cryptocurrency circle, let’s not talk about making 100 million yuan. Considering your current situation, how much money do you need to turn things around?
Follow me, the most authentic free sharing strategy on the entire network, I have doubled my money by about 10 times in a month (I opened a Binance order number, you can chat with me at any time to check the authenticity), free sharing, I am waiting for you in the circle, #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
给新手投资者的宝贵建议! 对于那些手中资金不多,但怀揣着在数字货币市场大展拳脚的梦想的朋友们,我有以下几点建议分享给你们: 1. 稳定工作与理性投资 首先,确保你的工作稳定,不要因为追求一夜暴富而影响了你的正常生活。然后,拿出你收入的20-30%进行投资。记住,投资不是赌博,不要期望随便选个项目就能一夜暴富。 2. 学习与准备 在进入市场之前,先花些时间学习基础知识。了解K线图、区块链的底层逻辑等,这些都是非常重要的。同时,多听听那些有经验的大佬们的见解,他们的经验可以为你提供很多有价值的参考。 3. 投资策略 当你准备好开始投资时,建议先从一些热点项目开始尝试。使用成熟的Web3钱包,如OK钱包,来管理你的数字资产。每个月可以尝试投资1-3个项目,但请务必谨慎选择。 4. 利润复投与长线布局 当你开始获得收益时,可以考虑将利润进行复投,以加快资金积累的速度。当你的资金达到10万时,你可以考虑拿出一部分资金来做低倍长线山寨币投资,但请务必选择那些有良好预期的项目。 5. 成熟投资者之路 当你的资金达到第一个100万时,恭喜你,你已经算是一个成熟的投机者了。此时,你已经有了自己的投资逻辑和策略,接下来的任务就是等待一个牛市来完成资金的大幅跨越。 作为一个在数字货币市场摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你们分享我的经验和见解。如果你对数字货币市场感兴趣,但不知道如何开始,不妨关注我的主页,我们可以一起探讨这个充满机遇与挑战的市场。点击头像介绍,找到我,让我们一起在数字货币的世界里砥砺前行! 喜欢合约,喜欢研究看盘,研究技术的点击头像,我目前一个月翻了30倍左右,无偿分享,我在圈里等你 工-重-耗:老狗说币,随时在线,欢迎一起探讨,一起进步


1. 稳定工作与理性投资


2. 学习与准备


3. 投资策略


4. 利润复投与长线布局


5. 成熟投资者之路


喜欢合约,喜欢研究看盘,研究技术的点击头像,我目前一个月翻了30倍左右,无偿分享,我在圈里等你 工-重-耗:老狗说币,随时在线,欢迎一起探讨,一起进步
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3 major positives are coming! Is Bitcoin stable in May? After experiencing the deepest correction in nearly a year in April, several major positives have come at the beginning of May. It is expected that the market will not be too bad this month. 1) Grayscale's GBTC had a BTC inflow of US$63.1 million yesterday, which was the first inflow since its conversion to ETF. The situation of institutional Bitcoin ETFs has received a lot of attention every day, especially Grayscale's. It has been in a state of outflow before, and now it has finally begun to turn into inflow. Does it also mean that the wind direction has really begun to change? 2) The Bitcoin network has processed more than 1 billion transactions. It has been 15 years, 4 months and 4 days since the anonymous founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, mined the first block on the network on January 3, 2009. This means that in the 5,603 days of Bitcoin's existence, an average of 178,475 transactions were carried out every day. The Bitcoin ecosystem is still hot! This round of bull market will definitely not be absent! 3) The asset management scale of the three Hong Kong spot virtual asset ETFs in the first week of listing reached HK$2 billion, which is nearly twice that of futures ETFs. At first, everyone was still mocking Hong Kong for issuing virtual asset ETFs without much splash, and it was undoubtedly a "relic" of the financial center, but the data slapped everyone in the face, exceeding everyone's expectations. Although it cannot be compared with the scale of the US Bitcoin spot ETF, as the first in Asia, it will definitely get better and better in the future! , If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and I will share all the contract spot gameplay. Just to increase fans #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
3 major positives are coming! Is Bitcoin stable in May?

After experiencing the deepest correction in nearly a year in April, several major positives have come at the beginning of May. It is expected that the market will not be too bad this month.

1) Grayscale's GBTC had a BTC inflow of US$63.1 million yesterday, which was the first inflow since its conversion to ETF. The situation of institutional Bitcoin ETFs has received a lot of attention every day, especially Grayscale's. It has been in a state of outflow before, and now it has finally begun to turn into inflow. Does it also mean that the wind direction has really begun to change?

2) The Bitcoin network has processed more than 1 billion transactions.
It has been 15 years, 4 months and 4 days since the anonymous founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, mined the first block on the network on January 3, 2009. This means that in the 5,603 days of Bitcoin's existence, an average of 178,475 transactions were carried out every day. The Bitcoin ecosystem is still hot! This round of bull market will definitely not be absent!

3) The asset management scale of the three Hong Kong spot virtual asset ETFs in the first week of listing reached HK$2 billion, which is nearly twice that of futures ETFs. At first, everyone was still mocking Hong Kong for issuing virtual asset ETFs without much splash, and it was undoubtedly a "relic" of the financial center, but the data slapped everyone in the face, exceeding everyone's expectations. Although it cannot be compared with the scale of the US Bitcoin spot ETF, as the first in Asia, it will definitely get better and better in the future!
, If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and I will share all the contract spot gameplay. Just to increase fans #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Currencies that need attention at present Maybe it will bring you a good return When is it suitable to buy at the bottom? The new Binance meme coin in the blockchain field of Bome SOL ecosystem has attracted much attention. Although it has been washed, it still has potential, providing investors with a rare opportunity. At the same time, TNSR, as the new Binance coin with the smallest market value in the SOL ecosystem, has aroused market imagination with a market value of 100 million. Especially at the moment when the NFT market is hot, its future growth potential is huge. In addition, SAGA, the L1 public chain with the smallest market value, has also attracted a lot of attention. Its market value of more than 300 million is particularly prominent compared with similar public chains, indicating huge growth space. In the field of stablecoins, ENA stablecoin innovation protocol has become a dark horse in the market with its strong background and stable income model, bringing rich returns to investors. In the SOL ecosystem, the DEX platform JUP has won the favor of users with its silky experience and has become the first choice for SOL chain ecological transactions. As a token with outstanding performance in recent times, pendle has fully demonstrated the advantages of blockchain technology and provided investors with more income opportunities. These currencies have their own characteristics and provide investors with a variety of investment options. However, investment needs to be cautious, and investors should make wise decisions based on market conditions and their own risk tolerance. Click on the avatar to follow me, the top 5 in Binance Copy Trading Square, which can be verified at any time. The contract is safe, look at the point, share it for free, and give the point every day. The winning rate is more than 90% #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Currencies that need attention at present

Maybe it will bring you a good return

When is it suitable to buy at the bottom?

The new Binance meme coin in the blockchain field of Bome SOL ecosystem has attracted much attention. Although it has been washed, it still has potential, providing investors with a rare opportunity.

At the same time, TNSR, as the new Binance coin with the smallest market value in the SOL ecosystem, has aroused market imagination with a market value of 100 million. Especially at the moment when the NFT market is hot, its future growth potential is huge.

In addition,
SAGA, the L1 public chain with the smallest market value, has also attracted a lot of attention. Its market value of more than 300 million is particularly prominent compared with similar public chains, indicating huge growth space. In the field of stablecoins,
ENA stablecoin innovation protocol has become a dark horse in the market with its strong background and stable income model, bringing rich returns to investors.

In the SOL ecosystem, the DEX platform JUP has won the favor of users with its silky experience and has become the first choice for SOL chain ecological transactions.

As a token with outstanding performance in recent times, pendle has fully demonstrated the advantages of blockchain technology and provided investors with more income opportunities.

These currencies have their own characteristics and provide investors with a variety of investment options.
However, investment needs to be cautious, and investors should make wise decisions based on market conditions and their own risk tolerance.
Click on the avatar to follow me, the top 5 in Binance Copy Trading Square, which can be verified at any time. The contract is safe, look at the point, share it for free, and give the point every day. The winning rate is more than 90% #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Can we buy the bottom and do spot trading now? The continuous decline of the current market is obviously to lure more people to buy more and to attract more funds to enter the market. Looking back at the last two rounds of bull market in the currency circle, before the big bull market comes, it will inevitably experience a continuous decline, and the market will inevitably fall slowly, which will give many people the illusion that the bull market is coming and there will be no chance if they don’t buy the bottom. But if you buy now, the market will definitely continue to fall, thus trapping more funds. Some people will say that mainstream coins cannot be bought at the bottom now. In summary of my personal opinion, now is still not the best time to enter the spot market, and watch the currency circle continue to fall. If you want to know more about the currency circle consultation and the best spot buying point, you can continue to follow me. Everyone in the currency circle must pay attention to risk control. I hope everyone can buy at the best point and sell at the best point, so that they can eat more meat and be cut less in the currency circle. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, Binance copy trading square top 5, contract reading skills free sharing, daily points #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Can we buy the bottom and do spot trading now?

The continuous decline of the current market is obviously to lure more people to buy more and to attract more funds to enter the market. Looking back at the last two rounds of bull market in the currency circle, before the big bull market comes, it will inevitably experience a continuous decline, and the market will inevitably fall slowly, which will give many people the illusion that the bull market is coming and there will be no chance if they don’t buy the bottom. But if you buy now, the market will definitely continue to fall, thus trapping more funds.

Some people will say that mainstream coins cannot be bought at the bottom now.

In summary of my personal opinion, now is still not the best time to enter the spot market, and watch the currency circle continue to fall. If you want to know more about the currency circle consultation and the best spot buying point, you can continue to follow me. Everyone in the currency circle must pay attention to risk control. I hope everyone can buy at the best point and sell at the best point, so that they can eat more meat and be cut less in the currency circle.
If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, Binance copy trading square top 5, contract reading skills free sharing, daily points #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Why do people get married? Today, I summarized the four elements of marriage: 1. Sex. When the body needs it, it is relatively easy and almost risk-free to have sex. Men need more in the early stage, and women need more in the later stage; 2. Money. Two people earning money are always more resistant to risks than one person. In most cases, women rely more on men; 3. Companionship. Parents accompany you for the first 20 years, and the couple spends the rest of their lives together. If you can tolerate each other's personalities and tempers, you will become happier and happier, especially when you are old, you will really become an old partner. It is also a kind of happiness to gossip about the Zhang family and the Li family together; 4. Children. Raise the baby together. When the baby is young, it is so cute. When it grows up, you worry about the baby's study. When it grows up, you have to worry about the baby's work, marriage, and holding grandchildren early. This is the continuation of your own genes and the reincarnation of life. If the child is filial to you, you can enjoy the happiness of family and have no regrets in life. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the points and directions. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Why do people get married?
Today, I summarized the four elements of marriage:

1. Sex. When the body needs it, it is relatively easy and almost risk-free to have sex. Men need more in the early stage, and women need more in the later stage;

2. Money. Two people earning money are always more resistant to risks than one person. In most cases, women rely more on men;

3. Companionship. Parents accompany you for the first 20 years, and the couple spends the rest of their lives together. If you can tolerate each other's personalities and tempers, you will become happier and happier, especially when you are old, you will really become an old partner. It is also a kind of happiness to gossip about the Zhang family and the Li family together;

4. Children. Raise the baby together. When the baby is young, it is so cute. When it grows up, you worry about the baby's study. When it grows up, you have to worry about the baby's work, marriage, and holding grandchildren early. This is the continuation of your own genes and the reincarnation of life. If the child is filial to you, you can enjoy the happiness of family and have no regrets in life.

6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the points and directions. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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XRP: It is a mainstream coin with a relatively large market value. It is also an old turtle. However, according to the current weekly trend, it is an obvious bottom market. As long as it gets out of the current downward channel, the subsequent explosive force is very strong. According to the current quotation, it is no problem to double in the short term. In the long run, there is also room for several times. AXS: It is the leading coin of chain games. It was once the king. Although it is now in decline, I think it will not be wrong to ambush in the current market environment. Moreover, according to the current weekly level, it is also at the bottom stage. It touched a double top and stepped back in the early stage. I personally think that it can be seen more than doubled. As long as it breaks through 25 US dollars in the future, the space above will be infinitely enlarged, and it can directly see 40 or even higher. DYDX: There is no need to emphasize that the decentralized exchange has performed poorly this year and last year. It has always been in an unlocked state, but there is no big drop, and there is no tomahawk bone. As a decentralized exchange, it is not a leading coin, but a value coin In terms of price, the current price is a bargain. It has been recommended in the 2.0-2.6 range until now. Although the increase is not large, I think that at the bottom stage, as long as the subsequent space is opened, it is not said how much you can earn, at least there is several times the space. According to the current price, 10 US dollars in the future is definitely visible, as long as you can get that time, especially to hold the chips in your hand and don’t sell them easily. INJ: I won’t say much. The current price is relatively suitable. I personally think that you can just go straight to it. Don’t do contracts. The current market spot ambush is the best opportunity. INJ’s current defensive focus is 20 US dollars. The current quotation is around 27. You can buy the first position first. There is no problem. I still want to remind you that you can’t hold a heavy position for the above-mentioned currencies. For example, if you have 10,000 U, just buy 500-1000. Put eggs in several baskets. They all have great potential, but it doesn’t mean that they can take off together. Some go fast and some go slow. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt and teach you to see the point and direction.
It is a mainstream coin with a relatively large market value. It is also an old turtle. However, according to the current weekly trend, it is an obvious bottom market. As long as it gets out of the current downward channel, the subsequent explosive force is very strong. According to the current quotation, it is no problem to double in the short term. In the long run, there is also room for several times.
It is the leading coin of chain games. It was once the king. Although it is now in decline, I think it will not be wrong to ambush in the current market environment. Moreover, according to the current weekly level, it is also at the bottom stage. It touched a double top and stepped back in the early stage. I personally think that it can be seen more than doubled. As long as it breaks through 25 US dollars in the future, the space above will be infinitely enlarged, and it can directly see 40 or even higher.
There is no need to emphasize that the decentralized exchange has performed poorly this year and last year. It has always been in an unlocked state, but there is no big drop, and there is no tomahawk bone. As a decentralized exchange, it is not a leading coin, but a value coin In terms of price, the current price is a bargain. It has been recommended in the 2.0-2.6 range until now. Although the increase is not large, I think that at the bottom stage, as long as the subsequent space is opened, it is not said how much you can earn, at least there is several times the space. According to the current price, 10 US dollars in the future is definitely visible, as long as you can get that time, especially to hold the chips in your hand and don’t sell them easily. INJ: I won’t say much. The current price is relatively suitable. I personally think that you can just go straight to it. Don’t do contracts. The current market spot ambush is the best opportunity. INJ’s current defensive focus is 20 US dollars. The current quotation is around 27. You can buy the first position first. There is no problem. I still want to remind you that you can’t hold a heavy position for the above-mentioned currencies. For example, if you have 10,000 U, just buy 500-1000. Put eggs in several baskets. They all have great potential, but it doesn’t mean that they can take off together. Some go fast and some go slow. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt and teach you to see the point and direction.
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I ask you a question, and you must give me an answer without hesitation. If you make 5 million in the cryptocurrency circle today, what will you do? If your answer is: I want to buy... This is why you didn't make any money. You haven't made 5 million because you have no concept of money. Let's do a test: What can you buy with 1 yuan? What can you buy with 10 yuan? What can you buy with 100 yuan? What can you buy with 1,000 yuan? What can you buy with 10,000 yuan? What can you buy with 100,000 yuan? What can you buy with 100,000 yuan? What can you buy with 1 million yuan? What can you buy with 10 million yuan? Answer from top to bottom, and you will be very smooth at the beginning. 1 yuan can buy an old popsicle. Those with children may say that they can sit in a rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket for a few minutes and buy a newspaper. 10 yuan can buy vegetables, and three bottles of Coke will have one yuan left. 100 yuan can eat 4 days of work meals, etc. The key to doing this test is that you have to give the answer immediately, and the more answers the better. The answers are all correct, there is no mistake. It is not important to answer what you can buy. What is important is that you can answer a lot of things and where you get stuck? At which level can you not answer? The level you can't answer is basically your current income level. If you are asked what 100,000 yuan can buy, and you can't answer it at once, then your monthly salary may be the upper level, less than 10,000. If you can't answer what 1 million yuan can buy, then you can infer what money is equal to, which is the basic concept of money. This test is very accurate, because you have never owned this money, so you have no concept of what it can buy. If you have no concept of this money, it can prove that you have never owned this money. Your understanding of money determines the money you can make. The money you make will never be more than what you can understand, so the money you earn by luck will never stay in your pocket for long. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction.
I ask you a question, and you must give me an answer without hesitation.
If you make 5 million in the cryptocurrency circle today, what will you do? If your answer is: I want to buy... This is why you didn't make any money. You haven't made 5 million because you have no concept of money.
Let's do a test:
What can you buy with 1 yuan?
What can you buy with 10 yuan?
What can you buy with 100 yuan?
What can you buy with 1,000 yuan?
What can you buy with 10,000 yuan?
What can you buy with 100,000 yuan?
What can you buy with 100,000 yuan?
What can you buy with 1 million yuan?
What can you buy with 10 million yuan?
Answer from top to bottom, and you will be very smooth at the beginning. 1 yuan can buy an old popsicle. Those with children may say that they can sit in a rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket for a few minutes and buy a newspaper. 10 yuan can buy vegetables, and three bottles of Coke will have one yuan left. 100 yuan can eat 4 days of work meals, etc.
The key to doing this test is that you have to give the answer immediately, and the more answers the better. The answers are all correct, there is no mistake. It is not important to answer what you can buy. What is important is that you can answer a lot of things and where you get stuck? At which level can you not answer? The level you can't answer is basically your current income level. If you are asked what 100,000 yuan can buy, and you can't answer it at once, then your monthly salary may be the upper level, less than 10,000. If you can't answer what 1 million yuan can buy, then you can infer what money is equal to, which is the basic concept of money. This test is very accurate, because you have never owned this money, so you have no concept of what it can buy. If you have no concept of this money, it can prove that you have never owned this money.
Your understanding of money determines the money you can make. The money you make will never be more than what you can understand, so the money you earn by luck will never stay in your pocket for long.
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction.
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In the cryptocurrency circle, being impetuous is actually a taboo in cryptocurrency trading. I look back from time to time to see what mental mistakes I made, and make corrections and stop losses in time! About the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies: 1. Get anxious if you don’t make money at the stage 2. Collapse if you lose money at the stage 3. Missing out is more painful than cutting losses 4. It’s painful to not make money when others make a lot of money 5. Want to get back the money quickly if you lose 6. Spend money when you make money and attack everywhere at will 7. Swear when you sell wrong or sell at a loss 8. Don’t dare to sell if you lose money 9. Listen to and follow others to buy coins and blame others and curse them, without reflecting on your own problems 10. Make a determination not to do it again after making a mistake, but make the same mistake again within two days 11. Don’t dare to buy back after selling wrong, and don’t dare to correct mistakes after buying wrong 12. Lack of extreme concentration and extreme self-discipline 13. If you have a little profit at the stage, you will see a super master, and if the super master’s profit at the stage is not ideal, you will think that he is just like that, and even want to guide him 14. If you make money at the stage, you think you have realized the truth, recharge, leverage, what is risk? 15. It is said that risk should always be put first, but there is no strict examination of the foreseeable risks in execution 16. Take out the profits when you make money, don't always think about compounding 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the group, teach you how to see the points and directions. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
In the cryptocurrency circle, being impetuous is actually a taboo in cryptocurrency trading. I look back from time to time to see what mental mistakes I made, and make corrections and stop losses in time!
About the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies:
1. Get anxious if you don’t make money at the stage
2. Collapse if you lose money at the stage
3. Missing out is more painful than cutting losses
4. It’s painful to not make money when others make a lot of money
5. Want to get back the money quickly if you lose
6. Spend money when you make money and attack everywhere at will
7. Swear when you sell wrong or sell at a loss
8. Don’t dare to sell if you lose money
9. Listen to and follow others to buy coins and blame others and curse them, without reflecting on your own problems
10. Make a determination not to do it again after making a mistake, but make the same mistake again within two days
11. Don’t dare to buy back after selling wrong, and don’t dare to correct mistakes after buying wrong
12. Lack of extreme concentration and extreme self-discipline
13. If you have a little profit at the stage, you will see a super master, and if the super master’s profit at the stage is not ideal, you will think that he is just like that, and even want to guide him
14. If you make money at the stage, you think you have realized the truth, recharge, leverage, what is risk?
15. It is said that risk should always be put first, but there is no strict examination of the foreseeable risks in execution
16. Take out the profits when you make money, don't always think about compounding
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the group, teach you how to see the points and directions. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Sometimes I suggest that everyone leave the market at the right time. The leeks have become very smart, and everyone claims to outlast the dog dealer. In the past, a coin could rise from 1 to 100, a 100-fold increase if you held on to it. Now the dog dealer has also learned to be smart, and a coin will rise from 1 to 5, then fall back to 1 and then rise to 5, then fall back to 1 and rise to 5. The dog dealer made 125 times, and you made 5 times. So do you understand? And you may not be able to make 5 times, and countless callbacks in the middle will hurt your mentality. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Sometimes I suggest that everyone leave the market at the right time. The leeks have become very smart, and everyone claims to outlast the dog dealer. In the past, a coin could rise from 1 to 100, a 100-fold increase if you held on to it.
Now the dog dealer has also learned to be smart, and a coin will rise from 1 to 5, then fall back to 1 and then rise to 5, then fall back to 1 and rise to 5. The dog dealer made 125 times, and you made 5 times.
So do you understand?
And you may not be able to make 5 times, and countless callbacks in the middle will hurt your mentality.
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Recently, in Zhejiang, an old man believed in an investment scam and lied that he was transferring money to his "niece". He was spotted by the bank teller Bian Xu and quickly called the police. Finally, with the joint persuasion of the police and bank staff, the old man finally realized that he might have been defrauded. It turned out that Aunt Chen received a friend request from a so-called "company customer service" a few days ago. The other party induced her to participate in "financial investment" in the form of "investment rebates". After several transfers, the other party continued to guide her to transfer money on the grounds that her account was frozen. The more than 60,000 yuan transferred this time was the "unfrozen funds" required by the other party. If Bian Xu had not discovered and dissuaded her in time, Aunt Chen might have "lost all her money" at this moment. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
Recently, in Zhejiang, an old man believed in an investment scam and lied that he was transferring money to his "niece". He was spotted by the bank teller Bian Xu and quickly called the police. Finally, with the joint persuasion of the police and bank staff, the old man finally realized that he might have been defrauded. It turned out that Aunt Chen received a friend request from a so-called "company customer service" a few days ago. The other party induced her to participate in "financial investment" in the form of "investment rebates". After several transfers, the other party continued to guide her to transfer money on the grounds that her account was frozen. The more than 60,000 yuan transferred this time was the "unfrozen funds" required by the other party. If Bian Xu had not discovered and dissuaded her in time, Aunt Chen might have "lost all her money" at this moment.
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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"Sun Yuchen, all-in $ETH fell and cried, investment Waterloo encountered ETF obstruction again!" The man in the picture is Sun Yuchen, who has been buying ETH in large quantities recently. At the unit price of $ETH 3205USDT, he has accumulated 14,000 Ethereum positions. After the May Day holiday, the lowest price fell to 2817USDT. Sun Yuchen's maximum floating loss was 5.5 million USDT, nearly 40 million RMB, which is about 0.4 small goals. I think Sun Yuchen knew in advance that ETH wanted an ETF. In the past two days, ETH has been steadily improving because of this favorable support. Just when ETH stood firm at 3200USDT and Sun Yuchen was about to make a profit, Grayscale suddenly withdrew ETH's ETF application, which made Sun Yuchen's road to making a profit extremely difficult. As of now, ETH has retreated to 3010USDT, and Sun Yuchen has a floating loss of 2.7 million USDT, equivalent to 20 million RMB. No wonder Sun Yuchen cried because of the loss. If you were in front of the screen and lost 20 million, would you cry? 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the group, teach you to see the point and direction. #山寨币热点 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
"Sun Yuchen, all-in $ETH fell and cried, investment Waterloo encountered ETF obstruction again!"

The man in the picture is Sun Yuchen, who has been buying ETH in large quantities recently. At the unit price of $ETH 3205USDT, he has accumulated 14,000 Ethereum positions. After the May Day holiday, the lowest price fell to 2817USDT. Sun Yuchen's maximum floating loss was 5.5 million USDT, nearly 40 million RMB, which is about 0.4 small goals.

I think Sun Yuchen knew in advance that ETH wanted an ETF. In the past two days, ETH has been steadily improving because of this favorable support. Just when ETH stood firm at 3200USDT and Sun Yuchen was about to make a profit, Grayscale suddenly withdrew ETH's ETF application, which made Sun Yuchen's road to making a profit extremely difficult. As of now, ETH has retreated to 3010USDT, and Sun Yuchen has a floating loss of 2.7 million USDT, equivalent to 20 million RMB.

No wonder Sun Yuchen cried because of the loss. If you were in front of the screen and lost 20 million, would you cry?
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the group, teach you to see the point and direction. #山寨币热点 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Why is the next opportunity the last one? 1. According to historical time conversion, it is already one month after the halving, and it will basically be in place in another 1-2 months, so the opportunity is coming soon. 2. On November 5 this year, the US election will begin. Issuing money and printing money is a common means. Trump supports this market. With various blessings, there are indeed opportunities in the two months before the election. 3. The US interest rate cut will definitely be this year, and it is estimated to start in September. ETH's ETF spot may be approved in July, which is also a good thing. 4. The season of fan coins is coming. Fan coins will take off in June and July. Various sports games are coming, and there will be a wave of increases at that time. I can tell you very responsibly that another drop is the time to buy. Don't think about copying the lowest. No one can copy the lowest. Just buy at the corresponding bottom! 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. $BTC #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件 $ETH $SOL
Why is the next opportunity the last one?
1. According to historical time conversion, it is already one month after the halving, and it will basically be in place in another 1-2 months, so the opportunity is coming soon.
2. On November 5 this year, the US election will begin. Issuing money and printing money is a common means. Trump supports this market. With various blessings, there are indeed opportunities in the two months before the election.
3. The US interest rate cut will definitely be this year, and it is estimated to start in September. ETH's ETF spot may be approved in July, which is also a good thing.
4. The season of fan coins is coming. Fan coins will take off in June and July. Various sports games are coming, and there will be a wave of increases at that time.
I can tell you very responsibly that another drop is the time to buy. Don't think about copying the lowest. No one can copy the lowest. Just buy at the corresponding bottom!
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. $BTC #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件 $ETH $SOL
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China does not allow the existence of virtual currency trading platforms. The biggest reason is undoubtedly those damn currency traders in the exchange! One account laundered 200 million black money in half a month, and how many retail investors lost all their money! To be honest, every one of us in the circle wants to contribute to this industry. Whether it is called so-called preaching or talking about feelings, we all hope that the WEB39 industry will become more and more formal. It has already been in a precarious situation under the crazy blow of the iron hammer of social policies, and there are still blind students who do not follow the moral principles of martial arts and are frantically destroying this industry. To destroy the last line of defense of this industry, that is to help people launder black money. The culprit is the currency trader. In the past few years, the currency trader was the most vulnerable group in the entire ecological link of the circle, but they turned from victims to perpetrators, directly destroying the entire food chain. Of course, they also stood directly from the bottom to the middle of the food chain. Many people ask if currency traders have a deposit? Yes, the deposit is 10,000 U, 70,000 yuan. Do you think this little money is important? The key is that users cannot appeal. The official can only block the exchange account of this currency trader at most. What's the use? In the end, retail investors will bear the consequences. What are the consequences? Retail investors may not know the seriousness of the problem at this time. A black uncle from another place will definitely come to your door and put you on the two-card punishment list. The credit punishment will be for life. You can't get a loan for buying a car or a house. You are restricted from leaving the country. All bank accounts under your name are controlled. You can only use cash. You can't start a company. Even if you open a small shop and get a QR code for payment, it won't work. Look carefully, this is not something that can be eliminated in just five years by cutting off the card. The cutting off the card is a punishment given to you by the People's Bank of China, and the two cards are the labels given to you by the uncle system. The money from selling the currency must be refunded. Retail investors really lose everything. Lifetime!!!! 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and the direction. #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $SOL
China does not allow the existence of virtual currency trading platforms. The biggest reason is undoubtedly those damn currency traders in the exchange! One account laundered 200 million black money in half a month, and how many retail investors lost all their money!

To be honest, every one of us in the circle wants to contribute to this industry. Whether it is called so-called preaching or talking about feelings, we all hope that the WEB39 industry will become more and more formal. It has already been in a precarious situation under the crazy blow of the iron hammer of social policies, and there are still blind students who do not follow the moral principles of martial arts and are frantically destroying this industry.

To destroy the last line of defense of this industry, that is to help people launder black money.

The culprit is the currency trader.

In the past few years, the currency trader was the most vulnerable group in the entire ecological link of the circle, but they turned from victims to perpetrators, directly destroying the entire food chain. Of course, they also stood directly from the bottom to the middle of the food chain.

Many people ask if currency traders have a deposit? Yes, the deposit is 10,000 U, 70,000 yuan.

Do you think this little money is important?

The key is that users cannot appeal. The official can only block the exchange account of this currency trader at most. What's the use? In the end, retail investors will bear the consequences. What are the consequences? Retail investors may not know the seriousness of the problem at this time.

A black uncle from another place will definitely come to your door and put you on the two-card punishment list. The credit punishment will be for life. You can't get a loan for buying a car or a house. You are restricted from leaving the country. All bank accounts under your name are controlled. You can only use cash. You can't start a company. Even if you open a small shop and get a QR code for payment, it won't work.

Look carefully, this is not something that can be eliminated in just five years by cutting off the card. The cutting off the card is a punishment given to you by the People's Bank of China, and the two cards are the labels given to you by the uncle system. The money from selling the currency must be refunded. Retail investors really lose everything.
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join the skirt, teach you to see the point and the direction. #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $SOL
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Good morning, distinguished US stock traders, digital asset investors, cryptocurrency investment experts, blockchain capitalists, and financial technology innovators! The market near the previous high this month is really difficult to play. The car is too vibrating and difficult. It keeps going nine shallow and one deep, nine shallow and one deep. It leaks just when it is about to reach the center of the flower. Not only is it unfriendly to the hands of novices, but even old-timers like Sister 7 are almost worn out by it. Long-term torture will make more and more people doubt the future market in their hearts, and their hearts will be broken and they will reduce their positions and get off the car, or even see a double top and go short as fuel. This is the necessity of washing the market. But old drivers know that the more foreplay is laid, the more intense the climax will be. Sister 7's long-term position has never been reduced, but those who play short are tortured to death. Fortunately, Sister 7 has mastered the dog skin plaster trading method, firmly sticking to the dog dealer's butt, and it is impossible to get off the car. Always believe that good things are about to happen. 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH $SOL
Good morning, distinguished US stock traders, digital asset investors, cryptocurrency investment experts, blockchain capitalists, and financial technology innovators!

The market near the previous high this month is really difficult to play. The car is too vibrating and difficult. It keeps going nine shallow and one deep, nine shallow and one deep. It leaks just when it is about to reach the center of the flower. Not only is it unfriendly to the hands of novices, but even old-timers like Sister 7 are almost worn out by it.

Long-term torture will make more and more people doubt the future market in their hearts, and their hearts will be broken and they will reduce their positions and get off the car, or even see a double top and go short as fuel. This is the necessity of washing the market.

But old drivers know that the more foreplay is laid, the more intense the climax will be. Sister 7's long-term position has never been reduced, but those who play short are tortured to death. Fortunately, Sister 7 has mastered the dog skin plaster trading method, firmly sticking to the dog dealer's butt, and it is impossible to get off the car. Always believe that good things are about to happen.
6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH $SOL
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A must-learn course for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle to get rich: How to hold on? Many family members chatted with me and said that they couldn’t hold on to the good coins they bought. They obviously bought the right coins, but they held on to them. They either sold them too early or cut their losses in the callback. I will share a few tips to help you. 1. The heavy-weight leaders must impact the bull market to get rich: Meme coins, AI, BTC ecology 2. The heavy-weight leader targets BTC BNB ETH more than 80% 3. Establish the correct information channel to find Alpha in the holdings, pay attention to the holdings and official channel websites of institutions such as Height Fund, IDG, Paradigm, etc. 4. Fully understand the underlying logic of the rise and fall of altcoins. All the rise and fall are to harvest leeks. Fully understand the pull-up mode, trading techniques, and the underlying logic of business 6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH $SOL
A must-learn course for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle to get rich: How to hold on?

Many family members chatted with me and said that they couldn’t hold on to the good coins they bought. They obviously bought the right coins, but they held on to them. They either sold them too early or cut their losses in the callback. I will share a few tips to help you.

1. The heavy-weight leaders must impact the bull market to get rich: Meme coins, AI, BTC ecology

2. The heavy-weight leader targets BTC BNB ETH more than 80%

3. Establish the correct information channel to find Alpha in the holdings, pay attention to the holdings and official channel websites of institutions such as Height Fund, IDG, Paradigm, etc.

4. Fully understand the underlying logic of the rise and fall of altcoins. All the rise and fall are to harvest leeks. Fully understand the pull-up mode, trading techniques, and the underlying logic of business

6 years of contract spot experience. Welcome to join us, I will teach you how to see the position and direction. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH $SOL
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