#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 It's another big storm. The Fed's top giant will speak on the timing of the interest rate cut, and Wall Street's financial giants will also express their views.

A storm is about to sweep the currency circle again

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The US CPI for April is about to be announced

On Wednesday night, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released the April CPI data. This key inflation indicator will affect the direction of monetary policy and determine the market's expectations for the future path of monetary policy.

Market forecasts show that despite the surge in gasoline prices, the year-on-year increase in CPI in April may fall slightly to 3.4%, maintaining a month-on-month increase of 0.4%.

The core CPI (excluding food and energy) is expected to slow for the first time in six months, slowing to 3.6% year-on-year, the lowest in nearly three years.

This trend brings a glimmer of hope for relief in price pressures, but the CPI is still high, and the Fed remains cautious in its decision to cut interest rates, looking forward to a clear signal of continued slowdown in inflation.

Looking back at the first quarter, US inflation was stubborn and service costs were high. The CPI data in March exceeded expectations, with month-on-month growth higher than expected for five consecutive months, and the market's expectations for interest rate cuts were frustrated.

The release of the April CPI will test the market again. In the current environment of macroeconomic uncertainty, the market reaction after the data is released may attract more attention than the data itself.

At the same time, speeches by Fed officials will also affect the market. Next week, several officials, including Fed Chairman Powell, will speak. The Fed still faces challenges in reducing inflation to the 2% target, especially the challenges brought by consumer resilience. Although retail sales are expected to slow down in April, sales data in February and March are still strong.

For the current market, I think the Fed is unlikely to implement easing policies immediately, but it may take indirect measures or release positive information to stabilize market sentiment. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the evolution of bullish sentiment and the potential impact of AI technology on financial markets.

The anger and greed value is very heavy, there are too many bulls, and it may rise after cutting a wave.

In addition, AI will have a place.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have password sharing almost every day.

I still say that, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me, I will share the bull market spot planning and contract password for free.

I need fans, you need references. It’s better to pay attention than to guess.

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