Regarding the risk control of trading platforms, this is very important for newcomers, especially for newcomers who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle. This is directly related to whether you will be cut! First of all: the platform recognizes Binance, the world's top platform, which is safe and secure. If you often add bloggers, you will find that most bloggers pay membership fees, but some bloggers ask you to download some inexplicable wild chicken exchanges, or secondary exchanges. At this time, you should pay attention. The example given this time is not a wild chicken, but it is not comparable to Binance. Recently, news leaked that many users of the gate platform began to be unable to withdraw funds. The official gate maliciously used various false reasons to prevent fans from withdrawing cash. The investigation found that the platform used the coins charged by platform users to other exchanges to maliciously smash the market, and then unlocked them for users at a low level. This operation is normal in combination with the current market situation; the reason is simple, the security issues in the cryptocurrency circle are increasingly receiving attention. For example, mature large platforms such as Moou have been stolen, not to mention some small exchanges. All giant whales and retail investors choose to settle in the head. The living environment of small exchanges is gradually getting worse, and even unable to survive. I just thought that I could use the existing funds to make as much profit as possible in the bull market, but the risk does fall on the users.

In addition, in such an environment and operation, small platforms are at risk of bankruptcy at any time, so everyone should pay attention to risk control.

Small exchanges themselves are not very safe. For example, which exchange has often had problems over the years.

It is recommended to do risk control in the bull market.

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