Musk: I can earn 100 million in the blink of an eye!

Bill Gates: I can earn 100 million in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee!

Tobacco tycoon: I can take a walk and get 100 million!

Alibaba Ma: I can easily get 100 million during lunch time!

Tencent Ma: I took a nap and woke up with 100 million more in my account!

Internet celebrity: I have to work day and night for two years to see 100 million!

County magistrate: Oh, to raise 100 million, I have to work hard for a full ten years!

Scientist: In order to earn this 100 million, I am afraid I have to devote half of my life to research!

Farmer: 100 million? Then I have to cultivate the land from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty!

The vast number of farmers are the most solid foundation of society, and scientists are the backbone of scientific and technological progress and the core talents for the advancement of human civilization. Sadly, it takes the longest time for these two types of people to make 100 million yuan.

So for you in the cryptocurrency circle, let’s not talk about making 100 million yuan. Considering your current situation, how much money do you need to turn things around?

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