The little witch's Weibo is definitely a steady stream of dry goods, and her strategy is great!

Bears are ecstatic!

The big victim PYTH has repeatedly broken new lows and has reached the last support of 0.4541. It may rebound a little, but it should fall below it later and continue to fall.

Because the amount of unlocking on May 21 is really too large, we reminded it at least three times.

It is expected that it will be weaker than the market before unlocking on May 21. The short position of PYTH can just hedge our long positions of other coins and form a small investment portfolio.

Short at highs and take profit around May 21. Another big victim is Sui, and the operation is similar~

In addition, the meme coin we talked about on Friday, Trump has also soared recently. After all, the US election is indeed hot and there are many speculators.

#新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETFvsBTC