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In the financial world, bull and bear markets always alternate, and each such transition makes some people rich. This is the characteristic of this circle, it is very volatile and cyclical. Whenever the number of Bitcoins is halved, those experienced investors will start to hype, but if you don't touch high-risk contracts and altcoins, just simply buy and sell, you have actually started to make money. I know several young people born in the 2000s who have made tens of millions through the last round of the market. Imagine if they work or do business like most people, it would be almost impossible to achieve such wealth accumulation. Therefore, the cryptocurrency market has given many people, especially young people like them, an opportunity to accumulate wealth quickly. But this does not mean that I want to encourage everyone to enter this market, because this market is very chaotic and there are many people who lose money. While you make money, there are also people who lose money. Making money in the financial market is actually buying low and selling high. Let's look back at the bottom of the last round. The price of Bitcoin was 3800 and Ethereum was 88. Then when the bull market came, Bitcoin rose to 69,000, and Ethereum doubled 60 times to 4,800. Now it seems that if the US stock market keeps falling, Bitcoin and Ethereum may also be affected. But if the US stock market is good, the bottom this year may be around 17800 and 880. But no one can predict the future market, we can only take one step at a time. For us retail investors, there is no absolute bottom, only a relative bottom area. If you pursue the absolute bottom, you may miss the opportunity. As long as the decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum exceeds 70%, we can start to adopt a fixed investment strategy and buy some every month, so that no matter how the price changes in the future, our holding cost will remain at a reasonable level. Don't think that you can always buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. This opportunity is really rare. For ordinary retail investors like us, if we want to make money in the financial market, patience is the most important thing. We have no financial advantage or news advantage. The only thing we can do is to wait for opportunities and be more patient than others. Only in this way can we make money in this market. #热门话题

In the financial world, bull and bear markets always alternate, and each such transition makes some people rich. This is the characteristic of this circle, it is very volatile and cyclical. Whenever the number of Bitcoins is halved, those experienced investors will start to hype, but if you don't touch high-risk contracts and altcoins, just simply buy and sell, you have actually started to make money.

I know several young people born in the 2000s who have made tens of millions through the last round of the market. Imagine if they work or do business like most people, it would be almost impossible to achieve such wealth accumulation. Therefore, the cryptocurrency market has given many people, especially young people like them, an opportunity to accumulate wealth quickly. But this does not mean that I want to encourage everyone to enter this market, because this market is very chaotic and there are many people who lose money. While you make money, there are also people who lose money.

Making money in the financial market is actually buying low and selling high. Let's look back at the bottom of the last round. The price of Bitcoin was 3800 and Ethereum was 88. Then when the bull market came, Bitcoin rose to 69,000, and Ethereum doubled 60 times to 4,800. Now it seems that if the US stock market keeps falling, Bitcoin and Ethereum may also be affected. But if the US stock market is good, the bottom this year may be around 17800 and 880. But no one can predict the future market, we can only take one step at a time.

For us retail investors, there is no absolute bottom, only a relative bottom area. If you pursue the absolute bottom, you may miss the opportunity. As long as the decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum exceeds 70%, we can start to adopt a fixed investment strategy and buy some every month, so that no matter how the price changes in the future, our holding cost will remain at a reasonable level. Don't think that you can always buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. This opportunity is really rare.

For ordinary retail investors like us, if we want to make money in the financial market, patience is the most important thing. We have no financial advantage or news advantage. The only thing we can do is to wait for opportunities and be more patient than others. Only in this way can we make money in this market.


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“坐庄”需要多少钱? 在金融市场,一个小散户仅凭几十万资金便敢于“坐庄”,他巧妙地运用了现有的市场机制,以极小的风险博得了可观的收益。 最近,证监会发布了一份公告,披露了一个名为张明的小投资者,他仅凭几十万资金,在两年内就赚取了154万的利润。然而,因涉嫌市场操纵,他最终被逮捕。 张明的操作策略相当独特: 他专门选择交易不活跃的LOF基金作为目标,这类基金既可通过股票账户直接买卖,也支持申购与赎回。他选择的基金通常具有以下特点:流动性差、交易量低、无其他大额资金干扰以及市值小。 具体操作步骤如下: 张明并非直接在二级市场上购买基金,而是通过场内基金申购的方式积累份额,这样做可以有效避免对市场价格造成影响。 完成筹码积累后,他会在二级市场上推高这些基金的价格。利用他控制的不同账户进行买卖交易,仅需几万元就能拉动价格涨停。 在连续拉出几个涨停板之后,他会通过各种方式吸引散户投资者进场。一旦有足够的外部资金进入,他就开始抛售手中的基金份额。 如果没有人接盘,他会利用基金的净值波动小的特性,通过场内赎回的方式至少保证本金不受损失。 然而,由于他操作的基金在二级市场上的价格涨幅异常,与同期产品的净值涨幅存在较大偏离,最终引起了监管机构的注意。 据统计,张明在操纵期间,在深沪两市申购的涉案基金总额超过2000万元,总盈利超过150万元。最终,证监会对其采取了严厉的处罚措施,不仅没收了他的全部违法所得,还处以了罚款。 #NOT #link
判断市场底部的简易信号 对于刚刚踏入币圈的小白来说,如何判断市场是否到达底部可能是一个头疼的问题。不过,别担心,这里有几个简单又实用的信号帮助你判断: 交易量跌至谷底 想象一下,如果你是一个市场的摊主,但顾客寥寥无几,你的生意会如何?在币圈,如果像BTC、ETH、SOL这样的主流代币交易量大幅下滑,比如一天下来交易量连5亿美元都不到,那就意味着市场的活跃度极低,大家都在观望,不敢轻易交易。 投融资消息稀少 以前,币圈总是充斥着各种投融资的新闻,但现在这些消息突然变少了。这很可能是因为风险投资公司也在观望,等待市场明朗化后再做决策。 USDT市值下滑 USDT是币圈中一种非常重要的稳定币,类似于我们平时用的现金。如果它的总市值开始下滑,那就说明有资金正在撤离市场。但反过来,如果市场情绪很差,但USDT的市值还在增长,那就得小心了,可能有很多资金正在等待机会抄底。 Twitter上鸦雀无声 以前,Twitter上总是热闹非凡,大家都在讨论币圈的动态,分享交易策略。但现在,如果Twitter上变得非常安静,几乎没有人发声,那就说明市场可能已经进入了一个“冬眠期”,大家都在默默等待。 以太坊Gas费低廉 在以太坊上进行交易需要支付Gas费,这就像是我们在超市购物时支付的手续费。如果Gas费变得非常低,甚至低于10美元,那就说明现在以太坊上的交易非常稀少,市场冷清。 牛市中你需要一个优质的圈子,如果你不知道怎么操作,还在迷茫,欢迎大家加入!敬请点赞、关注、转发、留言! #热门话题
以太坊与索拉纳的市场动态 在加密货币市场的起起伏伏中,以太坊和索拉纳备受关注。以太坊是交易量领先的币种,索拉纳则被视为有力竞争者。两者价格都在波动,这些变化让市场变得更加复杂,让人猜测它们未来的走势。 🔺 索拉纳的市场位置 索拉纳似乎要突破160美元的关键价位,这是50日均线给出的阻力位。这条均线不仅反映了中期市场趋势,还是个重要的支撑或阻力位。要是索拉纳能成功涨过这个价位,价格很可能会大涨。但市场现在看跌,交易量也低,让前景变得不那么明朗。从历史看,交易量低可能意味着市场对持续上涨的信心不足。 🔺 以太坊的当前挑战 以太坊呢,现在正努力突破100日均线。价格一直没能涨过这条线,说明投资者不太敢看涨以太坊。价格也一直徘徊在3100美元以下,看不出明显的上涨趋势。如果以太坊继续在这个水平以下,可能会再试探50日均线,这可能会改变它的市场策略。 🔺 给投资者的重点提示 ▫️ 50日均线和100日均线是判断索拉纳和以太坊短期到中期价格走势的关键指标。 ▫️ 成功突破这些价位可能是转折点,突破不了可能会让价格继续下跌。 ▫️ 投资者要关注交易量,这能反映市场的信心和价格可能的走势。 牛市中你需要一个优质的Q子,如果你不知道怎么操作,还在迷茫,欢迎大家加入!敬请点赞、关注、转发、留言! #ETH #SOL
当我们踏入数字货币的世界,多数人都怀揣着一夜之间财富暴增的梦想。然而,残酷的现实却是,超过九成的人最终损失惨重,甚至血本无归。那些所谓的项目和交易所,实际上却在背后操纵,将投资者的资金收入囊中。接下来,我将为大家揭露这些割韭菜的惯用伎俩。 伎俩一: 一些项目方疯狂推出所谓的“空气币”,制造出一种这些币种有巨大增值潜力的假象。过去,新币上线时市值可能只有1000万美元,即使涨100倍也不过1亿美元。但如今,许多币种一上线市值就超过1亿美元,项目方通过长期解锁套现,不断消耗市场流动性,导致山寨币市场整体疲软。因此,我更倾向于选择那些如PEPE这样的全流通MEME币种,后期无需担忧被套牢。 伎俩二: 项目方通过线下路演和邀请知名“大V”站台,建立各种社交媒体群组,每天有专人维护,不断向投资者灌输这些币种将带来巨大回报的错觉。为了提升群组的活跃度,他们甚至免费赠送代币,然后在高位抛售,赚取巨额利润。这种模式就是不断在低位吸筹,完全控制市场后开始拉升价格,吸引散户入场,最后在高位抛售,如此循环往复。 伎俩三: 行情网站、交易所和项目方形成了一个利益共同体,共同割取散户的韭菜。一些不良的项目方和不知名的交易所,为了生存和获利,不择手段地收割投资者。他们早期就勾结在一起,利用交易量这一利器,满足各自的需求。项目方希望代币上线后能获利,交易所则通过上币费和交易费获取收入,而行情网站则通过发布广告获利,甚至不加验证地发布加密货币交易数据。最可怜的是那些普通投资者,被割得血肉模糊,却无处申诉。 更多分析,关注雷叔,转发,留言 #热门话题

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