Good morning, distinguished US stock traders, digital asset investors, cryptocurrency investment experts, blockchain capitalists, and financial technology innovators!

The market near the previous high this month is really difficult to play. The car is too vibrating and difficult. It keeps going nine shallow and one deep, nine shallow and one deep. It leaks just when it is about to reach the center of the flower. Not only is it unfriendly to the hands of novices, but even old-timers like Sister 7 are almost worn out by it.

Long-term torture will make more and more people doubt the future market in their hearts, and their hearts will be broken and they will reduce their positions and get off the car, or even see a double top and go short as fuel. This is the necessity of washing the market.

But old drivers know that the more foreplay is laid, the more intense the climax will be. Sister 7's long-term position has never been reduced, but those who play short are tortured to death. Fortunately, Sister 7 has mastered the dog skin plaster trading method, firmly sticking to the dog dealer's butt, and it is impossible to get off the car. Always believe that good things are about to happen.

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