Brothers, this is unbelievable. If you invest in a company and the company goes bankrupt two years later, the court asks you to get back your principal, and even gives you dividends, can you believe it?

That’s right, such magical things can only happen in the crypto world. Recently, there has been new progress in the FTX bankruptcy case. Creditors who have funds deposited in FTX will most likely get back their investment principal, and even be allocated a certain amount of dividends.

Why did this happen? It turns out that FTX held a large amount of SOL before it went bankrupt in 2022. At that time, the lowest price of SOL fell below $12. The plummeting SOL was not enough to pay off FTX’s debts.

In addition, Sol had extremely poor liquidity at the time, so the platform did not sell Sol at a low price, but kept it. However, man proposes, God disposes. After experiencing a round of bull and bear market transitions, Sol took off directly, and its price soared more than 10 times.

The value of the SOL in FTX's hands is not only enough to repay the customers' losses during the collapse, but what's even funnier is that the platform has billions of dollars in assets. I guess the founder is so laughing that he's about to faint in the toilet.

Even if the company went bankrupt and was liquidated, it was still able to make a comeback. This is the charm of the crypto circle. Looking around the world, is there any other industry in the world where such a miracle can happen?

So, brothers, the crypto circle is the best opportunity for ordinary people to turn things around, and don’t always use 100x leverage contracts in the crypto circle.

Really, it’s not that you can’t afford contracts, but spot products are more cost-effective. Contracts will only make you happy for a while, but long-term spot products can make you happy all the time!

In the crypto world, it’s not just contracts that can make you rich overnight. In fact, there are many low-cost and low-risk projects that can still quickly make you a profit.

For example, BNB's staking mining, the re-staking project on Eigenlayer, the zero-cost wool-pulling project, the inscriptions, runes, runes of the Bitcoin ecosystem, the meme series of local dogs, etc.

These are all low-cost, high-return opportunities to participate. Now the ways of playing are very diversified, and there are more opportunities than before. As long as you are willing to study and work hard enough, it is really not difficult to turn things around.

On the 13th, BN and OK will launch a new mining project Notcoin. This is another project with low cost participation and you can see profits as soon as you get on board. If you don’t seize the opportunity, how can you have the chance to get rich?

Let's talk about ETFs. The data is a bit disappointing. Yesterday, there was a net outflow of 180 coins, totaling 11 million US dollars. The market is gradually losing vitality in the correction, and funds are in a cautious wait-and-see attitude.

Yesterday, the US Department of Labor released unemployment benefit data, and the number of people soared to the highest level since August last year, a full 231,000, while experts expected 212,000.

The job market has deteriorated, indicating that the US economy is in recession. Next week, CPI will give it another boost. Tangren feels that a rate cut is certain to happen ahead of schedule.

Market interpretation:

Bitcoin: It fell for three consecutive days and tested 60,000 points repeatedly. It finally stopped falling and rebounded to around 63,000 points. The daily chart closed with a medium-sized positive line with upper and lower shadows. This rebound came at the right time, which suggested that there were some subtle changes in Bitcoin's short-term downward shock. However, we still need to pay attention to the pressure of 64,500 on the four-hour 200-day moving average. After it passes, it will further test the pressure of 66,000. It is worth noting that the downward trend of the market at the daily level is gradually forming. If the market can quickly return to around 67,000, it will be the time to buy the bargaining chips and ship them out.

Auntie: Linked to Pie in the sky, the daily chart closed with a small positive line, and failed to break through the small pressure of 3080, suggesting that the volume is weak. Today's test of the 3100 pressure level failed, and it is difficult to achieve anything in the short term.

As for the altcoins: the market is sluggish, there is a serious wait-and-see sentiment among the funds in the market, there is no money-making effect, and the desire of the bookmakers to speculate has also decreased. Therefore, the altcoins at this stage are waiting for the market to recover, and the process of consolidation and pullback is an opportunity.

Today's performance in the ambush strategy:

RUNE rose 7%, CVX rose 1.9%, ACE rose 3.48%, LSK rose 0.21%, and MTL rose 3.75%.

After three days of strategy announcement, the overall position increase is 30%. Those who keep up with the pace can take profits in batches. Yesterday, the sol that ambushed at position 143 increased by 15% in the community. Conservative fans can also sell in batches.

Next, if you want to know more about the strategic layout and coin selection logic, you can: follow Tangren, leave your ideas in the comment section, and let us make money together in the cryptocurrency circle.


The essence of Tangren’s trading strategy: The first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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