Fairy Zixia said: I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending. And I guessed the ending yesterday, but I didn't guess the beginning. On the eve of the approval, the giant whale moved abnormally, and the long and short double kills were imminent?

Yesterday, I thought the market would pull up first and then drop it, but I didn’t expect it to drop to 3,600 points in an instant. More than 80 million US dollars of long orders were wiped out in one minute. Then after four o’clock in the morning, it rose to 3,900 again, wiping out all the short sellers. The process was slightly different, but the harvesting method was still the original formula and it still had a familiar taste.

In the end, the dog dealer is still more skilled. No wonder a fan in the community lamented today: In the crypto circle, you get fooled again and again, and every time you fool someone, you always have a new trick. You suffer losses again and again, and every loss brings a new experience.

Last night, these two long and short double-kill heaven and earth needles made countless poor leeks lose their souls and hand over their bloody chips in tears. As yesterday's article said, the market is still the same, but the leeks no longer have plump positions.

Although Tangren clearly issued risk warnings in advance, many people were still harvested. Do leeks really have a memory of only 3 seconds? Why did they rush in like moths to a flame even though they knew it was a carefully planned harvest?

If the contract was not opened last night, but the spot was placed at a low level, the outcome would be earth-shaking, and we would definitely be able to eat the soup and eat the meat in the future bull market cycle. Unfortunately, there is no if in the crypto circle, only results, bitter fruits and consequences.

The Auntie ETF was passed quietly last night. There was no overwhelming publicity or joyous celebration. Apart from the fact that the SEC's official website was crowded before the announcement last night, there was not even much change in today's market conditions.

However, if we look back carefully at the recent market, we will find that with the support of this wave of positive news with increased probability, the stock market has achieved a rebound of about 30%.

The approval of the Auntie ETF last night, the SEC's 180-degree change in attitude, and the final hasty and sloppy approval all tell us that the crypto world is no longer a small business that anyone can control.

It can already bring sufficiently high profit margins to those who believe in it, and can even influence the direction of major global events like the US presidential election. How can such a crypto circle have no prospects and how can we not love it?

As for why the Auntie ETF failed to trigger a big rise in the market after such good news, this is normal. The crypto circle has always had a fine tradition of bad news turning into bad news (the last time the Bitcoin ETF was passed, it also started with a sharp drop).

Therefore, don't be anxious. There is no need to panic if you have spot goods in your hands. Let the bullet fly in the air for a while. When the S-1 is passed, the market will take off. Now, whenever the market falls back to a low level, it is an opportunity for us to get on board.

As for the subsequent operational logic, Tangren thinks that more attention should be paid to the Auntie series and the meme section. Many friends are puzzled: Why is it the meme section?

Because friends who have been in the currency circle for a long time will find that the narrative of the encryption circle is becoming more and more complicated and difficult to understand. There are more and more projects, various new technologies and new concepts emerge in an endless stream, and the dealers take turns to appear on the stage, but the essence is inseparable from cutting leeks.

As the leeks get involved more and get cut more, they gradually realize: this thing is hyped up, but in the end it will be unprofitable and get cut, so what's the point of playing with it? So they take a look at the meme next door.

They don't brag about their technology or tell stories. They just speculate on emotions, popularity, expectations and the future with you. It's simple and crude. There are not so many twists and turns. It's quick to cut and quick to make money. If you seize the opportunity, you will get ten times or a hundred times the profit. If they say they will pay, they will pay. It's simple and clear and doesn't require any brainstorming.

So you will find that more and more people are accepting memes. Tangren feels that the purpose of being in the crypto circle is to make money. As long as there is a chance to make money, we need to pay attention to it and understand it.

Next, the strong rise of Yitai is not far away, and the copycat rotation is taking off. If you are still struggling with what to buy and how to buy in the future market, it doesn’t matter. Add a follow, find an assistant, bring your friends, and Tangren will eat meat with you. (Reminder that today’s essence is in the Tangren Strategy section at the bottom)

Tangren’s interpretation of the market:

Bitcoin: Bitcoin fluctuated up and down in the range of 67000-68000 during the day. The hourly line level was able to pull back quickly. The daily line has basically been adjusted in place. The general direction is still bullish. The operation is still mainly low-absorbing. The upper pressure level is 68600 and the support level is 66700.

Auntie: Ethereum is looking for support downward during the day, and has been hovering in the 3600-3700 range for a long time. If it cannot effectively stand at around 3800 today, it will continue to drop to around 3500 to find support. If it holds, it will accumulate strength in the short term to test the 4000 area again. The upper pressure level is 3850 and the support level is 3620.

In terms of copycats: the hot spots of the copycat sector are still concentrated in the Yitai system and MEME. With the implementation of the ETF news, part of the funds will flow back to the SOL ecological sector and the AI ​​sector, focusing on (OP, STRK), LSD (LDO, SSV), AL (WLD) and SOL ecology (JTO 3.7 position opening)

Tangren talks about strategy:

Strategy 1: The entry price of SSV on May 16 was 38.9, and the current price is 46.87, a small increase. Continue to observe. The short-term target is 54 and the long-term target is 180.

Strategy 2: Ambush W on May 18, entry price is 0.56, current price is 0.578, rotation has not yet arrived, continue to observe, sit tight and hold, target price is 0.8.

Strategy three: (new) May 20, ambush wld, entry price 4.8, current price 4.6, the price is the same as yesterday, those who haven’t gotten on the train can do so, continue to observe patiently, short-term target 8.5, long-term target 21.3.

The article has a time limit. The real-time strategy of each day will be announced in the Tangren Strategy Group. If you are interested, follow Tangren and Assistant Jia Weixing. Leave your thoughts in the comment area and play and make money in the crypto circle together.

The essence of Tangren's trading strategy: the first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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