I think this wave of callback process has been completed halfway. In terms of space, it has basically reached the bottom! The remaining half will be resolved by time and fluctuations.

The rebound of 61,000 is a normal phenomenon. Some projects have stabilized. Let's see if they can make efforts.

In the next Bitcoin rest and shock process, Ethereum and local hot spots will perform well, especially in the AI ​​track. The news of GPT5 will gradually increase, and the heat will continue to rise!

Personally, I think May and June will be a node for the AI ​​sector to explode again!

I have read a lot of information about GPT5 recently. Compared with GPT4, there are many huge innovations. At that time, the AI ​​theme will be the core focus of the market. The crypto market and AI-related coins will have a new wave of hype, such as the leading WLD, ARKM, AI coin, and adoge. The current price has experienced a sharp correction and wash, which is basically the same.

Especially the leading wld has stabilized on the weekly chart, and it should be the first to bring the market out.

Why is it said that the concept of AI will explode in May and June?

The following points are analyzed: First, QpenAI may release the ChatGPT version of the search engine on May 9. PANews reported on May 6 that according to Jinshi, Reddit netizens broke the news that OpenAI may announce its ChatGPT search product on May 9 to compete with Google.

It is reported that OpenAI will launch a search web page, the domain name and related SSL certificates have been created, and it is expected to be launched this week. OpenAI officials have not yet made a statement on this news. Secondly, GPT-5 is about to be released. The release of GPT-4 has been popular all over the world and has driven the popularity of AI topics to remain high. The related concept tokens in the crypto market are not inferior. For example, OpenAI's Ultraman is a co-founder of wld, and he is also an investor in the AI ​​data tracking platform Arkham. Whenever Ultraman and OpenAI become popular, AI series tokens soar, and the former two often rise fiercely.

After GPT-4 was silent for a while, the release time of GPT-5 has attracted much attention. According to Business Insider, citing insiders, OpenAI is expected to release GPT-5 in the middle of this year. Since the 400b version of llama3 is currently predicted to be released in July, GPT-5 will definitely be released before July. In addition, some corporate users have already tested GPT-5 internally and said that it is "substantially improved" over the previous generation.

In addition, sources also said that OpenAI is still stepping up the training of GPT-5 because it must pass security tests. If true, the AI ​​craze may not be far away.

In a recent interview, Altman, the founder of OpenAI, said: The improvement in GPT-5's capabilities will exceed people's imagination. I don't know when GPT-5 will be released, but it will achieve a qualitative leap in advanced reasoning functions. This is not just a small improvement, but a huge leap.

The third outbreak node Apple Developer Conference may be that many old friends think that Apple phones have little to do with AI, but you can't forget the artificial mentally retarded Siri that has been in Apple phones for several years. So how could Apple not do AI?

I personally think that the release of Apple phones this year will definitely greatly increase the upper limit of sirl's intelligence, and the key time node for Apple to release AI is the Apple Developer Conference in June this year.

I am May. If you are confused and don't understand the market, click on the avatar introduction to find May and operate together #AI板块 #GPT $AI