Recently, Binance announced that it will soon launch a new token project called NOT. This news quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion in the digital currency community. The following is a detailed analysis of this project and some suggestions for investors.

1. Project Overview

The total amount of NOT project is 100 billion, and it will be fully circulated when it goes online. According to the initial FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation) of 3 billion, its initial price is set at 0.03. However, this is only a theoretical price, and the actual market price will be affected by multiple factors.

2. Mining Incentives

In order to encourage community participation, Binance decided to use 3% of the total NOT for mining rewards, that is, 3 billion NOT. In addition, an additional 15% of NOT (that is, 450 million) will be used as rewards for FDUSD mining users. This strategy aims to attract more users to participate in mining and increase the activity and influence of the project.

3. Price Reasonability Analysis

According to the calculation of mining income, the price (0.03) calculated simply based on FDV and mining ratio may not be completely reasonable. Considering the difficulty, cost and market supply and demand of mining, a more reasonable price may be 0.005. This price will make NOT's FDV reach 500 million, which is more in line with the actual market situation.

IV. Investment advice

  1. Be cautious with FDUSD: Although FDUSD mining users can receive NOT rewards, considering the transaction fees of FDUSD and the wear and tear of mining income, investors should carefully evaluate the costs and benefits when participating in FDUSD mining.

  2. Long-term holding of BNB: Compared with NOT, BNB, as the cornerstone token of Binance Exchange, has a more stable market value and a wider range of application scenarios. Investors can consider holding BNB for a long time to obtain more stable returns.

  3. Pay attention to market dynamics: As a newly launched project, the price of NOT will be affected by many factors such as market supply and demand, investor sentiment, etc. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics so as to make timely adjustments.