May 10 Crypto Options Market Volatility Research Report

Dvol continues to fall, short volatility strategy prefers altcoins

I. Core Views

1-BTC will focus on diagonal spread strategy from now to the end of the bull market, and continue to short far Vega

2-ETH On U-based option platforms, such as Coincall, there are still good opportunities to short PUT volatility, which is at a premium to BTC. The strategy can try proportional spreads

3-Several alt-options with fundamental support are still the source of wealth in the crypto world, but you have to solve the problem of spreads (all good things come at a price)

Summary: Although the market has been cold recently, there are still good opportunities on the option side, including the buy BNB call option I posted yesterday

I may release a video today to talk about how to buy the Doomsday Wheel put option yesterday

2. Option block trading

BTC block trading has done vertical spread strategy and collar strategy (long-short divergence)

buy BTC-28JUN24-80000-C + sell BTC-28JUN24-90000-C

buy BTC-27DEC24-55000-P + sell BTC-27DEC24-80000-C

ETH had 2,500 Doomsday Wheel seller strategy positions yesterday

sell ETH-10MAY24-2950-P

Sol had several large transactions yesterday, all of which were over 1,300. See the planet for details

III. Copycat option strategy

Some points will be mentioned in the actual combat camp or TG, but the logic will not be explained, as time is limited

IV. Macro market

US stocks continue to rise, and Telsa continues to use options to reduce the cost of spot positions

DPST continues with the previous strategy, see the planet description for details

There are many opportunities in the A-share market recently, and I have been suggesting several option strategies for layout. Let’s take a look in June and September