College students made money by speculating in cryptocurrencies and withdrew their money, and were sentenced to 1 year in prison...

Ask me what I think?

What else do you think? Stupid...

If you don't even know what the cryptocurrency circle is, what you are doing, and what the risks of withdrawing money are, please don't come to the cryptocurrency circle to get yourself killed. There are 108 ways to make your sewing machine smoke.

The police will not give you a discount just because you are a college student, nor will they let you off the hook just because you don't understand. Old fans know all about it. I always emphasize---risk, risk, risk. Don't wait until you enter the small black room to remember Lao Li's advice.

As for the situation of the cryptocurrency circle in China and what behaviors may lead to imprisonment, I won't say much, just watch the video yourself...

Combined with the discussion of withdrawals in the skirt, let's talk about a few points:

1. Don't take chances. Withdrawing 100 yuan is the same as 1 million yuan, and the probability of having your card frozen is the same (one hand of black money, freezing all cards).

2. Only withdraw money once. Regarding safe withdrawals, go to the major withdrawal guides on the Internet and read them carefully. The fewer times, the lower the risk. My personal suggestion is to withdraw money once every cycle, so invest your spare money.

3. Keep a low profile. Don't tell anyone how much assets you have, especially U-merchants. As for why, I can't say more.

4. Learn more from others. It's no exaggeration to say that when you really put your heart into it, you can basically avoid 99% of the pitfalls. However, many people don't listen, resulting in pitfalls everywhere. It seems that this is indeed the case. Buddha saves those who are destined to be saved...

I was just bored and saw a message...

It said that a certain project was announced, and after the airdrop snapshot, the on-chain active data fell by more than 70%. It can be seen that the water in the currency circle is deep?

After the inscription fever, the task of on-chain activity has been transferred to the wool party

The new leeks have not entered the market, and it is still early to the crazy bull market.

#AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL

I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger who is optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency circle

I am motivated to bring my fans to shore together. If you are interested, you can click on the avatar and follow

I need fans, you need references