Some rules that the currency circle has to admit!!!

You may not believe it, but it is really metaphysical...

In most cases, Bitcoin is the leader of the currency circle's rise and fall, but sometimes higher-quality currencies such as Ethereum will break away from the influence of Bitcoin and go out of independent market. Altcoins usually cannot get rid of the influence of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and USDT usually move in opposite directions. If you find that USDT is rising, you should be alert that Bitcoin may fall; and when Bitcoin rises, it is a good time to buy USDT.

Between 0 and 1 o'clock every day, prices are prone to sharp fluctuations, so domestic currency friends can hang a lower buying price and a higher selling price before going to bed, which may be traded while you sleep, so as to make a profit.

6 to 8 o'clock every morning is a good time to judge buying or selling, and it is also a key time to predict the rise and fall trend of the day. If the price has been falling from 0 to 6 o'clock, and this trend continues from 6 to 8 o'clock, then this is an opportunity to buy or increase the position, and the price of the day will basically rise. On the contrary, if the price has been rising from 0 to 6 o'clock, and this trend continues from 6 to 8 o'clock, then this is a time to sell, and the price of the day is likely to fall.

5pm is an important observation point in market rumors. Due to the time difference, American traders become active at this time, which may cause market price fluctuations. There are indeed some large rises or falls at this time, so special attention should be paid.

There is a saying of "Black Friday", which means that a large drop may occur on Friday, but this is not always accurate. Just pay moderate attention to market news.

As long as the trading volume is sufficient, there is no need to worry too much even if the price drops. Patient holding can usually pay back the investment, which may be just a few days or up to a month. If you have a balance on hand, you can add positions in batches to reduce costs, so that the investment will be paid back faster. If you don't have extra funds, then wait patiently, and you will usually not be disappointed unless you buy a truly inferior currency.

Holding the same currency for a long time, a small amount of transactions usually brings greater benefits than frequent transactions. The key is whether you have patience.

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